Page 22 of Missing

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Unless there was a storm.

She nearly stopped on the steps and tripped thanks to her hesitation. He held her tighter, keeping her from falling.

Because what they faced with these smugglers might just be a storm like she’d never seen before.

And that melted a bit more of her anger away, because Bennet had been trying to keep her safe from that.

They reached the top of the stairs and she started for the front room. It had plenty of places for them to sit…separately.

She didn’t regret what they’d just done. It had been beyond wonderful, but now she felt vulnerable, and they needed to discuss the future. She’d need her wits for this conversation.

She entered the room, holding up the candle.

“I take your choice of room to mean that I’m not staying the night,” he said from behind her, his voice still making her weak.

And she’d seen his place. It truly bothered her that that rundown apartment was where he would return. “I can show you to the guestroom if you don’t wish to make the journey home tonight.”

He came up behind her, so close that his body nearly touched hers. It didn’t quite, but she could feel his heat. “You’ve already allowed me to touch you. Why not have the benefit of sleeping in my arms?”

She closed her eyes. It would be a benefit. She never slept better than she did when she was pressed to his side. “Bennet.”

His hand came to her waist then, his cheek dropping to the top of her head. “I’ll stop pressing for more tonight, but I mean to have this conversation again.”

Much as she appreciated the reprieve, she looked over his shoulder to study his face. “Why?”

“Because.” He wrapped his arm about her fingers coming up to caressing her cheek. “I’m going to take your advice and follow those small crates.”

Did he mean to sneak onto theSea Goddessagain? Break into the warehouse? “I should go with you.”

“No, you should not.” His arm wrapped about her as his fingers came up to caress her cheek. “This is the part that I’m truly better prepared for than you.”

She gave a quick nod. He was right. And she was tired. She allowed herself to lean against his front, sinking into his strength. “All right.”

“Good.” He circled his other arm about her stomach. “Let me help you into bed.”

“I thought you wished to talk.”

“I do. Very much. But it’s late, you’re exhausted and I’ve much to do before the sun rises.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “So what I need to know most is that if it becomes too dangerous, if your life is at risk, you’ll leave England with me?”

She’d been so angry at him, but it was hard to be furious when one was exhausted. And besides, he wasn’t asking her to return to their former life. This was more of a contingency plan to guard against the worst scenario. “So you want me to choose you instead of death?”

He smiled against the top of her head. “That’s one way to put it.”

“I agree. If my life is in jeopardy, I’ll leave with you.”

His arms tightened about her as he rocked her softly. “Good.”

Good. She felt that way too. Light and safe and warm. The idea of leaving England with him settled over her like a cozy blanket. “Can we live somewhere warm? Sunny?”

“Absolutely,” he answered. “I hear the Carolinas are excellent.”

She smiled even wider, looking up at the strong line of his jaw. “This doesn’t mean we’re guaranteed a future.”

“I know,” he whispered back. “Now show me where your room is, and we’ll take this one step at a time.”

One step at a time. She sighed as she lifted the candle again and turned back out of the sitting room to the grand stair.

She’d allowed him to touch her tonight. Showed him about her home and agreed to leave the country with him should that be necessary. She’d taken many steps tonight, but had they been the right ones?
