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Christopher Allan.Even after years, she would have recognized him anywhere. He wore a pale grey suit with a pinstriped waistcoat, something so boring that only he would have worn it.

The worst part was that he smiled when he met her gaze. His eyes were as blue as she remembered, so pale they looked almost colorless from this distance. Then, he left his empty glass on a nearby garden table and came striding right over.

Sensing her discomfort, Elmore asked, "who is he?"

"The one who betrayed me," Aurora replied. There was no venom in her voice, though. Just a distant sort of resignation. She had finally accepted that he was gone, and now here he was.

"Miss Aurora," Christopher said brightly. He had a faint Scottish tinge to his otherwise London accent, from years of holidays in the highlands. And, of course, the fact that he had moved to Scotland after the scandal.

Aurora felt herself cringing at the sight of him. He looked no different to how she remembered; the same sandy blond hair that fell boyishly into his eyes, giving the impression of innocence. It was all fake, of course, because he was the least innocent person she knew. Except, perhaps, for Lord Foley.

"When I heard that you were opening a greenhouse with your father, I was so excited. It looks fantastic, by the way. Beautiful."

Her eyes narrowed without meaning to, lips pursed into a fine line. That was it? No apologies for what he had done, not even an explanation? It was as if they were old friends, and he had forgotten their past.

Elmore parted his lips as if to speak, but Aurora interrupted. Christopher washerproblem, and she had to deal with this herself.

"Thank you," she said icily, "we've put a lot of love into this. Elmore, my father and I, that is." To prove her point, Aurora slipped her hand into Elmore's. "It's so good to finally have something to show for my efforts, since my last project was stolen. Do you still have my notebook, by the way, or did you throw it away once you were finished with my research?"

Color rose to Christopher's cheeks. Although he had a light tan, the pink tinge was obvious — and satisfying. He fumbled for a reply, stuttering out a few half-words.

"In all honesty, Mr. Allan, I'm thankful for what you did. Taking my research. Could you imagine if I had never realized the kind of man you are? I'm sure that, in the long run, I was much better off to have seen the truth so soon."

Elmore's hand tightened in hers, a reassuring squeeze as if to sayI'm here.He didn't speak, but when Aurora glanced up she saw the determination in his eyes. He wanted her to do this on her own, but the urge to defend her was strong.

Then, with a deep breath, Aurora added, "thank you for coming here today, Mr. Allan. We appreciate your interest in our project. Please, excuse me while I attend my father's speech. I think my favorite part is about to start."

The truth was that she had no clue what Father was saying or where he was in the presentation, but it didn't matter. Her words worked, and Christopher awkwardly shuffled off to say hello to somebody behind Aurora.

No sooner was he gone when Elmore let out a sigh and said, "are you all right?"

Aurora frowned, debating over the answer. She had never expected to see Christopher again, but on the times Aurora had contemplated it, the scene usually played out two ways. Either she was granted closure, or left in tears.

Yet the truth was that she felt only happiness for what she had achieved. Lord Foley, Christopher, she didn't care what they thought. Aurora had already moved on, already put her sights toward better things...and seeing them again? It only made her more determined to succeed.

"Aurora?" Elmore asked again, more tentative this time.

Her gaze flickered up to him, and she nodded slowly. "I'm all right," she answered, "actually, I've never been better."


Aurora Washam

One year later

The wedding was held in summer, surrounded by the beautiful garden that they had created. With the greenhouse as their backdrop, Elmore and Aurora professed their love to a crowd of family that cheered them on, and it was beautiful.

Even now, a year on from meeting Elmore, Aurora could scarcely believe that they were truly getting married. She stood before the priest and read her vows, practically bouncing with excitement the entire time. This was everything she had dreamed of andmore,and Aurora had never been happier.

She was aware, too, of Father smiling throughout the ceremony. The day before, he had confessed how happy he was that Aurora had found love.You deserve a love like what your mother and I have,he said warmly,and I hope you have long lives together.

Now, under the bright and cheerful sun, surrounded by the sweet scent of lavender and roses, Aurora knew how lucky she was to have a man like Elmore.

When the priest waved his hand and said, "I now pronounce you man and wife," he offered them a beaming smile.

It wasn't a traditional wedding, certainly not by Elmore's standards; there was no church and no altar, just seats arranged throughout the garden facing the greenhouse. It was plainer than Elmore was used to as a Lord; but it was everything that they wanted.

Aurora smiled broadly as she stood on her toes to kiss Elmore's lips. It was brief, but her cheeks still burned knowing that people were watching.
