Page 103 of Fernhill Lane

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“I’m so happy you like it.”

I pull my hips back and then push back in again, making her gasp.

“Youreallylike it.”

“I really do.” I kiss her, soft and slow, as I make love to her, and when we both reach our climax, I hold her close, reveling in her as the shudders move through us both.

“I love you,” I whisper.

“Same.” Her mouth spreads in a satisfied smile. “Definitely same.”

Belle Lovejoy isthe youngest sister to Amaryllis and Indigo, and she’s been a private investigator for five years, after spending four in the military police with the Navy.

She’s one badass woman.

“It’s good to see you, Tanner,” Belle says after shaking my hand and turns to Sarah. “And you probably don’t remember me.”

“I remember you,” Sarah says. “You were just a kid when I left town. I’m closer in age to your older siblings.”

“I always loved seeing you at Gordy’s when you worked there as a teenager,” Belle admits with a smile, and brushes her long dark hair over her shoulder. “I thought you were the prettiest girl in town.”

Sarah’s cheeks flush. “Well, thanks.”

“But that’s not why you’re here,” Belle continues. “Tell me what’s been going on.”

And so, we start from the beginning and tell her everything, from the break-in to the flat tire and everything in between.

“I think it’s a lot of coincidence,” Sarah says when I finish. “Bad luck.”

“Maybe,” Belle says, looking up from her notes. “I don’t like that someone left a note. If not for that, I’d be more inclined to agree with you.”

“Perhaps they were just trying to scare me,” Sarah continues, but Belle just blinks at her, and she sighs. “Or not.”

“I think we should do more digging. I love our cops here in Huckleberry Bay, and get along well with all of them, but sometimes they can’t devote the amount of time needed in cases like these. I’d like to start right away, making calls and such. If you’d like to hire me, that is.”

“We would,” I reply immediately. “I think we’re both ready for some answers here. It’s been several weeks, and Sarah just can’t keep living her life constantly looking over her shoulder.”

“I really would like to relax,” Sarah admits. “I’d also like to be alone once in a while, just because I can.”

“No one wants to feel like they have to have a chaperone all the time,” Belle agrees. “Sarah, do you have any self-defense training or a concealed carry permit?”

“No and no,” Sarah replies.

“Well then, I think that it’s wise that you stick close to someone else until we get some answers. There is safety in numbers, you know?”

“Yep, I know.” Sarah deflates. “What do we do now?”

“I’ll start digging around online, make some calls, and do some research. Then, if I have to, I go out and investigate. I’ll keep you posted whenever I find anything useful.”

“Awesome.” Sarah grins at Belle and claps her hands. “I feel like we’re finallydoingsomething.”

“We are,” I agree. “Thanks, Belle.”

“My pleasure. Really. I love a puzzle, and we’re going to put this one together. Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

When we’re back on the sidewalk, headed toward the gallery where the car is parked, Sarah does a little skip.

“That wentverywell,” she says. “I have a really good feeling about it. Also, how pretty is Belle Lovejoy? She’s absolutely gorgeous, with that long hair and blue eyes, and I swear her skin is made out of porcelain. I wonder what her skin care regime is. How did she get into that line of work?”
