Page 22 of Fernhill Lane

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And when I lift my cue to break the balls, she leans over across the table, giving me an evenbetterview, and says, “Smear him, Tanner.”

My eyes are pinned on her breasts. I can’t help it. They’reright there.

“Those aren’t my eyes, you know.”

I shake my head and try to focus on the table, but it’s the worst break of my pool career.

Apollo sneers as he walks around the table. “You let a dame ruin your concentration.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

But when I return to my seat, Sarah’s sitting there, and grins at me as I approach.

“I stole your spot,” she informs me.

“I see that.”

She tilts her head to the side. “You can have it back, if I can sit in your lap.”

I lick my lips and smile down at her. “I remember when you tried that on me in high school.”

“It worked.”

“Yeah, it did. But I’m good right now. You sit.”

She pokes her bottom lip out in a little pout. “That’s boring.”

“Come on, Sarah, we need more drinks.”

June pulls Sarah away, and I’m left with the guys.

“Well, looks like Sarah’s found her flirting mojo again,” Wolfe says, wiggling his eyebrows.

“It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”

“Listen, if that’s what you considerfriendlyinteraction, you and I need to have a conversation about the birds and the bees,” Apollo replies. “That girl has been eye fucking you since she got here.”

“I think it’s refreshing to see the mischief back in her eyes,” Wolfe adds. “She’s not so sad or unsure.”

“She’s more herself,” I agree, and watch as she laughs with the other two girls at the bar. “Hey, I’ll be back. I need to run to the can.”

“But it’s your turn,” Apollo calls out.

“Let Wolfe take it,” I reply over my shoulder.

But when I turn down the hallway to the restroom, I hear someone behind me, and turn to find Sarah standing there, a happy smile on her gorgeous face.

“You okay?” I ask her.

“Sure. You?”

“I’m good.”

I turn for the men’s room, but she slides her hand in my back pocket and stops me in my tracks.

“I can’t go in there. It’s against the law.”

I turn and smile down at her. “What do you need, pretty girl?”
