Page 59 of Fernhill Lane

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“What about when he was gone?”

“Didn’t matter.” She shrugs a shoulder. “I did what he wanted, when he said. I didn’t make my own decisions.”

“Shit, Sarah. I’m sorry. I was trying to help with the art thing, but I acted just like him.”

“No.” She reaches over and covers my arm with her hand. “Absolutelynot.You were acting out of love. He was a controlling ass. There’s a huge difference.”

“We’re going to find who’s doing this,” I promise her. “Huckleberry Bay isn’t big. They can’t hide for long. And when we do, I want just five minutes alone with them.”

“You’re sexy when you’re acting all alpha and protective.”

I don’t smile in response.

“I’m serious, Sarah.”



“Maybe I shouldn’t go.” I bite my lip and stare out the passenger side window as Tanner drives me from his house to Three Sisters Kitchen. “I don’t want to get yelled at again.”

“If Scott yells at you,” Tanner says as he turns a corner, “you get up and leave. Simple as that. Did he say what he wants?”

“No.” I twist my hands in my lap. “He just asked me if I’d meet him for lunch at Three Sisters. Our last conversation didn’t end well.”

“I say, see what he has on his mind. Just text me when you’re finished, and I’ll come get you.”

“You know, this is stupid.” I turn in the seat and face him as he parks by the curb. “It’s been aweek,and nothing’s happened. Nothing at all, yet everyone thinks I need to be babysat. If I’m not with you, I’m at work or with one of the girls.”

“You know it’s the safest thing right now.” He reaches over and drags his knuckles down my cheek, sending little currents of awareness down my body. “We’re keeping you safe, sweetheart. You’ll have your independence back soon.”

Sighing, I nibble on my lower lip and then nod. “Okay. I’m stalling. I’ll let you know about the ride.”

I lean over and kiss him, then climb out of the car and walk inside the restaurant.

Ilovethis place. The three women who own it, Cordelia, Mira, and Darla, are southern sisters who, I’m told, moved here several years ago and opened this beautiful, farm-to-table restaurant in the heart of Huckleberry Bay. The atmosphere is classy and is something Joanna Gaines would be proud of with that farmhouse-style décor that I salivate over.

The white walls, with glossy wood tables and little pops of green here and there from potted plants, make my heart sigh happily.

I amsoexcited that the sisters have gone into business with Luna, taking on the kitchen portion of the inn. I can’t wait to see what they do with it.

“Hi there, Sarah,” Cordelia says with that sweet southern accent. “How are you today, my darlin’?”

“I can’t complain. How about you?”

“Oh, I’m just right as rain.” She smiles with excitement. “Did you hear that we’ve started moving in appliances at the inn?”

“No, I hadn’t heard. That’s so exciting!”

“We are just beside ourselves. The next time you’re there painting, come on back, and we’ll show you around if we’re there. Of course, Mira’s been there the most for this part of the process, as the kitchen is her baby. I swear, that girl has moonbeams in her eyes whenever she stares at that stove.”

“She’s going to make some delicious things on it.” I grin at her. “And I can’t wait to sample everything.”

“She’s come up with evenmorethings since the last time we all got together. We’ll have a girls’ night and eat until we’re bursting.”

“Count me in.”

“Oh, and Sarah, when you have time, I’d love to sit down with you and discuss the possibility of commissioning you to paint some pieces for the restaurant here. I justlovewhat you’re doing for the inn. I hope you don’t mind that Luna gave me a sneak peek, but we could definitely use some local art for our walls.”
