Page 71 of Fernhill Lane

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“Hey.” I squeeze her tight and kiss the top of her head. “You can do this, babe. Call me if you need me.”

“Thanks. I’ll need wine later. Maybe tequila.”

“We can do that.”

She squares her shoulders and goes back to work, heading for the kitchen to pick up orders.

I hear her apologize to Gordy, who just shakes his head and mumbles something about dramatic women, but he winks at her, and she smiles back at him gratefully.

It seems the storm has passed.

“I broughtice cream and root beer,” June announces as she walks into my house, holding the bag in the air. “Sarah loves a root beer float.”

“Who doesn’t?” I ask and take the bag from her. “Thanks. We’ll add this to the cupcakes. You’ll all pass out from a sugar coma.”

“Nah, we can handle it,” Luna replies as Wolfe gently rubs circles on her back. “Do you have tongs for the cheese?”

“There are special cheese tongs?” I ask. “Can’t we just use our fingers?”

“Savages,” June mutters, and Apollo walks through the door. “Oh, look, the king of the savages has arrived.”

“Thanks for noticing.” He smiles and saunters over with a bag of his own. “I brought the tequila. I also have chips and salsa.”

When I called everyone after returning to the gallery, we decided that we needed to have dinner tonight, with all of Sarah’s favorite things, to help her work off the rest of her anger.

“Sunny should be dropping off Sarah any minute,” I inform them, but the back door is already opening, and in walks Sarah.

“Is everyone here?” she calls out. “There are a million cars in the driveway.”

She stops short when she sees us all gathered in the kitchen, and her pretty eyes fill with tears.

“Uh-oh,” Apollo mutters. “She’s gonna blow.”

“We thought you could use some tacos,” Luna says and crosses to Sarah to give her a hug. “Everyone needs tacos after a shitty day of laying the smackdown at work.”

“Let’s not forget the tequila,” Apollo adds, holding up the bottle.

June rolls her eyes, but Sarah gives him a watery laugh. “Thanks, guys. This is definitely what I need. But first, a quick shower to get the grime of the day off of me. Including the hex I’m sure Angela threw my way on her way out the door.”

“Let’s go.” I hold my hand out for hers.

“No sex while I’m in the house,” June calls after us, making Sarah laugh. “Absolutelynone.”

“I can’t promise anything,” I call back. When we’re alone, I hug her to me. “How you doing?”

“Ugh, I’m tired. But the day was fine. The rest of it, anyway. Let me take this shower, and I’ll be out to join everyone.”

“Is it okay that I did this? Invited everyone over?”

“It’s more than okay. I didn’t know that I needed it until I saw everyone. It’s nice to feel supported and loved, you know?”

“Yeah. I know.” I lean in and press my lips to hers. “Get comfy. The food’s ready when you are.”

“Oh, get started. Don’t make them wait for tacos.”

She saunters into the bathroom, and I return to the others.

“She says to go ahead and eat, and she’ll catch up when she’s done in there,” I inform them.
