Page 96 of Fernhill Lane

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“I’m not sad.” I look at the other headstones around us again. “I bet that most of these people had loved ones who cried over their graves when they died. They had flowers and people who grieved for them.”

“Probably,” he agrees.

“I think the saddest part of this is that literally no one in the world gives a shit that Melissa Pedersen is dead. No one grieves for her. She’ll be buried here, without a stone, and when you and I are gone, no one will even remember that she lived.”

“A waste.” His voice is hard. “She was a waste of human flesh.”

“I’m so glad that it’s not me.” Tears come now, and they run unchecked down my cheeks. “If I’d stayed with Anthony, when my time came, no one would care. He made sure of that. Yes, Mom’s situation is different because it’s her own doing, but Christ, Scott, I’m glad it’s not me.”

“No one wants to imagine this.” He shakes his head slowly. “That when they’re gone, no one will care. It’s pathetic. And like you said, it’s her own doing. Had she been a decent fucking human, she’d have all of Huckleberry Bay here to say their goodbyes. She didn’t give a shit about anyone here, including us.”

“No. She didn’t. So, I hope you finally rest easy, Mom, because God knows that you weren’t restful when you were here.”

I squat and place her box in the ground, and then Scott covers her up. I place a single red rose over the grave, and then we step away and walk toward our cars.

“We won’t do this for Dad,” Scott says, his voice firm. “Tanner asked me about it earlier, and I want to make it clear to you that if and when we ever get the call that he’s finally dead, they can keep his damn remains. I don’t care what they do with him, but he’s not coming here, and we aren’t doing this for him.”

“No.” I shake my head and then turn to my brother and give him a kiss on the cheek. “We won’t do this for him. I’m sorry they hurt you, Scott.”

“Hurt both of us.” He jerks his shoulder. “And we lived through it. Maybe we’re better because of them. Despite them.”

“Maybe.” I lean on the car and look up at the chapel. “Took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I deserve to be loved, though. A really long damn time. And I’m not convinced that you’re there yet.”

“Let’s not psychoanalyze ourselves today.” He reaches up and ruffles my hair. “What are your plans this weekend?”

“I have a girls’ night thing tonight at Luna’s. Gonna eat a bunch of food and drink some drinks.”

“Call me if you need a ride. I’m gonna go to Lighthouse Pizza with the guys and collect their money at pool.”

“Looks like we’re both going to blow off some steam tonight. I think that’s good. Have fun, and let me know ifyouneed a ride.”

He grins and reaches for his door handle. “I don’t plan to go home alone tonight.”

“I don’t need to know that.”

He laughs and waits for me to get in my car to drive away. Before I pull away from the curb, I take one last look toward the small grave.

“Goodbye, Mom.”

I’mthe last to arrive at Luna’s. It took me a while to decide what to wear, and then Tanner wanted to make out in the closet, and really, who can resist that?

Not me.

So, when I pull up to the lighthouse, I’m not surprised to find several cars already parked by the main house.

I let myself in and find Luna and June, along with Cordelia, Mira, and Darla from Three Sisters Kitchen, all in Luna’s kitchen, just setting out a spread of food.

“I’m so glad I’m not too late for all of this deliciousness.”

Their heads all turn to me, and then they welcome me in a way that is so special, and it is something I hadn’t felt in more than a decade before I moved back home last year.

I belong here. This is my home, with this community of people, and I love itso much.

“What’s on the menu?” I ask.

“We’re trying out evenmorethings for the inn’s menu,” Mira informs me with a smile that lights up all of Oregon. “I keep finding new things, thinking up new recipes, and I want to use them all, so we’ve decided to offer a rotating menu, with a few staples that will be available all the time. Tonight, we’re starting with the staples.”

“I love staples,” I say and dance a little jig. “And I love your cooking, so I can’t wait for this. Did you give them a tour of the inn, Luna?”
