Page 9 of His To Tame

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Just like that, the leaking balloon inside me hardened into glass and shattered.



“We need to do something about it,” I said to Bennet as we jogged a trail around the lake. In the distance, Bennet’s house perched on the top of the rise, with the slope up to it carpeted by pines. My place was only a few minutes away.

“What did you have in mind?” Bennet asked.

“Maybe we could partner up. Me and her. I’ll train her and keep her safe,” I muttered as we came to a stop at the same point we always did. I gulped down some water and met his curious stare.

“Why are you so worried?”

“She got locked in a car trunk yesterday. She’s dating all sorts of fucking strangers.” I bit off my rant before it could get started.

Bennet laughed and grabbed the water from me. “I’m not sure if training her will help with the dating part. Don’t worry about that. She’s not your sister. I’ll worry about what depraved cretins she brings around for Sunday lunch,” Bennet muttered, and then he laughed. “You know, Laura has a theory that you two would be great together.”

My heart skidded to a stop in my chest. I didn’t dare look at Bennet’s face to see his reaction. “Really? What’d you say to that?”

“I told her she was nuts. The woman’s never heard of guy code. Besides, she doesn’t know how close we are were growing up. She might not be your actual sister, but I’m sure she feels like it.” He tossed me the empty bottle and then took off. “Race you home!”

I followed slowly, feeling hollow inside.



Age - 25

It was Thanksgiving, and my father was doing it big since Bennet was finally done with his service and home, trying to get used to civilian life. I’d moved back to the small town I’d lived in after college. I loved it here. The pace of life was plenty enough for me.

I hummed as I sorted the wine into the fridge in the kitchen. Senator Archer still liked to keep his wine and champagne fridges well-stocked. He’d also got a catering company in to do the food, something I was grateful for, as spending all day cooking for just Bennet and my father seemed like a waste, though I would have done it if my brother had wanted me to. He’d been home all of two days, and I still couldn’t stop hugging him.

He seemed different after being away for so long. He was slower to smile, less prone to laughing, and now and then, he just stared expressionlessly out the window, lost in faraway thoughts of far-off places. It made sense, but it still hurt my heart.

I lifted a piece of foil over the turkey and stole a slither of crispy bacon that had been cooked on top. The salty sweetness of the maple bacon exploded across my tongue, just as a deep voice spoke from the doorway.

“Stealing bacon is cheating, sweet cheeks.”

I spun around, too surprised to be cool. Diesel leaned against the doorframe, his eyes on me.

“It’s not stealing if no one saw,” I murmured.

“I saw,” he said, pushing off the wall and approaching. He was bigger and more handsome than ever. His clean-cut good looks had a hardened edge now. That only fascinated me more. He had tattoos, plenty of them, and they gave him a more deadly air. He no longer looked like a football star, and more like a mercenary. The sight did something to me, deep in the pit of my belly.

“Yeah, well, you haven’t been here.” The words came out more accusatory than I’d hoped they would.

He nodded slowly. “But now I’m back.” I tossed him a shrug and turned away.

I’d long since given up hope of Diesel and I ever being more than enemies who kissed one time and knew every single thing about each other.

“You have nothing to say about that?”

“I don’t know. I think I used all my words in my letters. If you’d gotten them, you’d know,” I snapped at him. My anger made me brittle and ugly. Yes, I’d written to Diesel, and yes, he had returned every damn letter unopened. After a few months, I’d gotten the message.

“Emily.” He sighed. “It’s complicated.”

“It’s really not. You either miss someone and want to speak to them, or you don’t. Simple.” I avoided his gaze as I wiped my clammy palms on a towel.
