Page 123 of Chasing Hadley

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“You’re such a little brat.” He smiles at her, and she returns the smile wholeheartedly.

I can’t get a vibe on these two, whether they’re joking around or utterly despise each other. Maybe a bit of both. Or maybe, like Blaise said, they’re just a bundle of straight-up crazy.

Amelia sips vodka. “So, where’s your guest?”

When Austin’s gaze lands on me, Amelia spins around on the barstool. She gives me a once-over, tilting her head to the side.

“She’s prettier than I thought she’d be,” she muses, eyeing me over again, more slowly this time.

“Isn’t she?” Austin agrees, biting his lip as he stares at me.

I hold up my hands. “Okay, whatever this weird, creepy twin thing is that you two have going on, I want no part of it. Got it?”

Amelia thrums her manicured nails against the countertop, assessing me. “She’s got claws, too? I think I might really like her.”

“Oh, that’s mild in comparison to some of the shit she’s been saying,” Austin tells her.

“Do tell.” Her gaze bores into me and, for a strange instant, I feel the oddest sense of familiarity.

“If I told you, it’d scar your innocent ears,” Austin teases.

Amelia grins, but her eyes remain on me as she lifts her glass to her lips and takes another small sip of vodka. Her unblinking attention is making me feel all sorts of squirrely.

“Will you stop doing that?” I finally say. “It’s annoying.”

She lifts a brow, her gaze never wavering. “Doing what?”

“Staring at me like a weirdo.” When she continues to stare at me, more amused than before, I massage my temples with my fingertips. “How much longer am I going to be here? Or am I ever leaving?”

Her expression softens. “You’ll be able to leave …” Her voice drifts away as the sounds of rumbling engines rise from outside.

Motorcycles maybe? Or muscle cars with really beefed up engines.

“Oh yay, Daddy’s here,” Amelia says flatly.

“And let the fucking mind games begin,” Austin mutters then downs the rest of Amelia’s drink in one large gulp.

They appear nervous. These two, weird, creepy lunatics are afraid of their dad, which means …

I’m really, really in over my head.



A few slamming heartbeats later,the sound of growling engines begins to fade. Eventually, the air grows quiet again, and I free a shaky breath. False alarm. It must have been just a few motorcycles driving by.

“Don’t relax yet, princess,” Austin says when he notices me starting to relax.

As if on cue, the front door opens and in walks a man who somehow makes Liam the Grizzly Bear look like a cuddly, little teddy bear. And that’s only the beginning. One by one, people file into the house, both men and women, and all share one trait.

They look scary as hell, all bulky muscles and scars. And of course, don’t forget the weapons, some carrying a knife while others have guns tucked into holsters. The more people who cram into the room, the heavier the air gets.

I can’t breathe.

I’m going to die.

Holy shit, I’m going to die.
