Page 134 of Chasing Hadley

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I take the bills from her, holding them at the edges. “Gee, thanks.”

“You earned them.” She smashes her lips against my cheek then skips off.

I seal my lips together and remain that way until Amelia gets in the car and drives off.

“Okay,” I shatter the silence. “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” I reel toward Blaise. “And why did you make a deal with that crazy chick?”

“You made a deal with Amelia?” Rhyland practically shouts, stalking toward Blaise. “Are you fucking insane?”

“I didn’t have a choice.” Blaise spins toward him and gets in his face. Standing side by side, I realize the two of them are about the same height. “It was either that or…”

“Or what?” Rhyland snaps, clenching his fists. “What could possibly be so bad that you had to make a deal with that raving lunatic and bring her back into our lives?”

“I think it might be my fault,” I chime in, not wanting to cause friction between them. “So if you’re gonna yell at anyone, yell at me.”

Rhyland glances at me. “How the hell is it your fault?” He flings a hand in the direction Amelia drove off in. “And how the hell did you even end up with them?” His hand falls to his side. “And why is Amelia giving you tit cash and kissing you?”

“First off, she just kissed my cheek,” I say. “And second of all, what the hell is tit cash?”

“Cash chicks pull out from under their tits. You know, the cash they hide in their bras.” He nods at my chest.

“Hey, I don’t have any cash in there,” I reply defensively. “My tits aren’t even big enough to hide cash under them.”

Blaise’s gaze briefly flicks to my chest. “I’m sure you could hide cash in there if you wanted to… Your tits are fine… More than fine…” He massages the back of his neck, only tearing his gaze off my chest when I cross my arms.

Rhyland gives him areallylook. “Seriously, bro, you’ve got to work on your game.”

“You really do,” I agree. “And besides, you can’t say my tits are more than fine if you haven’t even seen them.” When both Blaise and Rhyland look at me expectedly, I shout, “I’m not going to show you my tits!”

“Bummer,” Rhyland mumbles and Blaise smacks him in the gut, hard enough that Rhyland wheezes. “Ow,” Rhyland cries out. “What the fuck was that for?”

“For being an ass,” Blaise grits out. “And for making Hadley uncomfortable.”

“He wasn’t making me uncomfortable. If he were, I would’ve kicked him in the dick.” I stuff the cash Amelia gave me into my back pocket. “I want to know why Amelia made a deal with you,” I tell Blaise. “Because I’m guessing it’s the reason she showed up at Austin’s house and struck a deal with her dad. A deal I’m pretty sure is the reason he let me off the hook. Well, I’m off the hook as long as I find the six bags of drugs, and what I’m guessing is drug money that my dad stole from Axel. Well, five since one bag is in my backyard.” I press both of the heels of my hands to my eyes, reality crashing down on me. “Holy shit, how the hell am I supposed to find these bags?”

I’m veering toward a panic attack. But then Blaise’s fingers gently wrap around my arm and the tiniest ray of calm trickles through me, a reaction I’ll have to kick myself in the ass for later.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s go inside, sit down, and you can tell us everything so we can figure something out.”

I don’t even bother focusing on theweor thesweetheartremark. I just let him guide me inside, too damn exhausted to argue.



After the fourof us go into the Porterson’s home, Blaise makes Jaxon go upstairs. Surprisingly, Jaxon puts up a fuss, saying at least ten words in a row. But after a small argument, he relents and does what he’s told. Blaise also tries to force Rhyland to leave, but he’s less cooperative.

“Don’t try to pull that self-sacrificing, I can handle this on my own, bullshit with me. Whatever’s going on, I want to help.” Rhyland plops down on to the leather sofa and pats the cushion beside him. “And because you tried to keep me out of the loop, Hadley gets to sit by me.”

I cock a brow. “Gets to?”

He winks at me. “You’re welcome.”

A laugh bursts from my lips. “Jesus, and you say Blaise is a bad flirt.”

He chuckles, his eyes crinkling around the corners. “Got you to smile, though, didn’t it? And as a reward for making you smile…” He rubs the cushion and gives me a humorous come hither look.

“Whatever dude.” I sink down onto the sofa beside him. “For the record, though, you’re come hither look comes off more murderous than desirable.”
