Page 157 of Chasing Hadley

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By the timelunch rolls around, my lack of sleep is really kicking in. My eyelids feel heavy, and I can’t stop yawning.

“You look tired?” Londyn notes with worry as I approach her locker.

I yawn for at least the umpteenth time. “I am a little bit. I think I need some coffee.”

“I don’t think the cafeteria has any.” She bumps her locker shut. “But maybe we can go someplace for lunch. I know Payton and Bailey were planning on staying here, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind going somewhere.”

As much as the idea of going to lunch with my sisters sounds amazing, I already made plans with Blaise. Sure, Austin said he may know where the bags are, but I’m not going to rely solely on a guy who’s the son of the man threatening me. And besides, even if Austin comes through for me, I don’t like the idea of owing him a favor.

“Actually,” I tell her as we start down the hallway, “I’m supposed to go to lunch with Blaise today.”

Her eyes slightly widen. “Like, on a date?”

I dismiss her with a flick of my wrist. “Nah, we’re just friends.”

“Friends who have lunch together? And kiss?” she questions with her brows elevated.

“That’s a normal thing,” I lie, knowing I sound like an idiot.

“Exceptyouusually don’t kiss your friends,” she points out with insinuation.

I give a nonchalant shrug. “Maybe I do.”

“Had, I know you. And I know you don’t just go around kissing guys,” she says, digging her phone out of her pocket. “You’ve kissed like, what? Two guys? And one was on a dare.”

I scratch the bandage on my wrist. “Yeah, so what?”

She glances at her phone before stuffing it into her pocket. “So? You’ve kissed Blaise two times. Three if you want to count that kiss you gave him after you guys tied in that drag race. You’ve never kissed the same guy more than once, and I’m pretty sure you’ve never kissed anyone because you wanted to.” She pushes open the doors and we step outside. “That has to mean something.”

“Yeah, it means I’m a teenage girl who decided to kiss a hot guy. That’s not that weird.”

“So, you’re admitting you think Blaise is hot?”

“He obviously is,” I reply with a shrug. “Everyone with eyes knows that. Hell, even Blaise knows it.”

She muses over something. “You two would be a really cute couple.”

I glare at her. She so did not just say that. “I don’t want to date Blaise. I don’t want to date anyone period. And we wouldn’t make a cute couple. We’re like night and day.”

She rolls her eyes. “Like you said this morning, you guys have a lot in common. Plus, you’d look really good together.” She gestures at my outfit. “Especially with the whole Goth thing you’ve got going on today.”

“Why are you being so persistent about this?” I ask, feeling uneasy. “Just a few days ago, you were telling me we needed to stay away from the Porterson brothers. That they were bad news.”

“That was before Rhyland gave us a ride to school. And Blaise stepped in when Dad was …” Her gaze drifts to the bruise on my face and she swallows hard. “If he was a bad guy, I doubt he would’ve done what he did that day.”

I instinctively touch the bruise then wince. “Yeah, probably.”

When she offers me an almost apologetic smile, I know she’s about to say something I’m not going to like.

“I think he might really be good for you. I really do. Not that I think you need a boyfriend, but it seems like, I don’t know, you usually try to handle everything by yourself. But for whatever reason, you let Blaise help you.”

I massage my temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Lon, I love you to the moon and back, but please let this go. Blaise and I are just friends, and I don’t want to be anything more.” I lower my hands to my sides. “I don’t want to be anything more with anyone right now.”Can’t be with anyone right now.

A squeezing sensation fills my chest, making it hard to breathe. I have no damn clue what’s causing the feeling, but it’s almost as annoying as the fluttering sensations I’ve been feeling when I’m around Blaise.

She studies me, the light breeze blowing strands of hair into her face. “All right, I’ll let it go for now.”

A relieved exhale eases from my lips. “Thanks.”
