Page 159 of Chasing Hadley

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“No,” I stress, giving her a dirty look. “We’re just friends.”

Bailey’s grin is all sorts of mischief. “Is that why you’re dressed like that?” she mocks, gesturing at my outfit. “To match your boyfriend?”

Blaise chokes on a laugh.

I point a finger at him. “Don’t encourage her.”

He holds up his hands in front of him. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Your laughter said enough.” I give him a dark glare, then return my attention back to Bailey. “I’m dressed like this because I didn’t have any clean clothes this morning. That’s it. And FYI, if I was dating a guy, I sure as hell wouldn’t dress to match him.”

“I guess that’s probably true.” Bailey’s gaze dances back and forth between Blaise and me before settling on Blaise. “So, where are you taking my sister on this not-date?”

I give her another dirty look, but she ignores it.

“I’m not sure yet.” Blaise digs out his car keys from his pocket. “But somewhere good. I promise.”

Bailey trades a secret smile with Londyn, and I shake my head.

“Well, we’re going to need to know where you’re taking her,” Londyn says, turning to look at Blaise and crossing her arms. “Or else we can’t let her go with you.”

I shake my head, but a smile pulls at my lips.I’ve taught them well.

“We’re not doing this to be mean,” Bailey adds. “We just need to know she’ll be safe with you.”

“I get that.” Blaise rubs his jawline, his face set in amused contemplation. “I think I’ll take her to this diner in the middle of town. A lot of people go there for lunch, and it’s in a very safe neighborhood. I swear.”

“And you promise she’ll be safe with you?” Londyn struggles to keep a straight face.

Blaise’s lips quirk. “I promise to the moon and back.”

Londyn’s eyes widen in surprise, her gaze drifting to me.

“He heard me yelling it out to you when the people from Social Services took you guys away,” I stress. “I didn’t teach the saying to him.”

“You made me use it to make you a promise,” Blaise reminds me.

Well, shit. I forgot about that.

Londyn stares me down with a knowing look on her face, to which I respond with a bored expression.

Blaise’s gaze skates back and forth between us. “Why do I get the feeling you guys are having a secret conversation right now?”

“Because we are.” I blast Londyn with another warning look then glance at Blaise. “I’m sure you recognize the siblings secret look because you and your brothers do it all the time.”

His smiles. “You noticed that?”

“It’s pretty obvious,” I say through a yawn while stretching my arms above my head.

“You tired?” he asks with concern.

I shrug, dropping my hands to my sides. “A bit, but I’m fine.”

He stares at me for a heartbeat or two then nods toward the parking lot. “We should get going. I don’t want you getting another tardy today.”

“How the heck do you know I already got one?”

He winks at me. “Because I know things.”
