Page 33 of Her Christmas Harem

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Chapter 5

AS MY BODY GAVE in with a final shudder, I became aware of the sound of running water. Satan gently removed the cuffs as Chris strode into the bathroom and returned a moment later, drying his hands on a towel with Nick in tow. Both men approached the bed and pressed gentle kisses to my lips before leaving the bedroom. Straightening from his lean against the wall, Noel threw me a wink before sauntering out behind them. Then it was just me and Satan. It occurred to me that he had been the only one not to take an active role in the ‘reward’. I frowned. Did he not want me now that I’d been with his friends?

“Stop that,” he said, sweeping me into his arms and carrying me toward the bathroom. “I can hear your mind ticking over from here. Let me rinse you off, and we can talk in the bath.”

As we stepped inside the tiled space, I noticed the sound of running water was from the shower, but the claw-foot tub had also been filled with steaming hot water. I moaned in longing and managed to stand on my own feet long enough to rinse the drying cum from my front before settling into Satan’s waiting arms in the tub.

The water loosened my muscles, aided by Satan who idly rubbed my shoulders, and the silence of the space lulled me. My head felt loose on my neck and I let it fall back on his shoulder with a sigh. Peace of a kind I thought I’d never have again stole over me as I drifted, feeling warm and safe.

“Did you honestly leave for the sake of the group?” Satan asked, clearly not feeling the same relaxed vibe as me.

“I left because my only family needed me, but yes, it was easier to go knowing I wouldn’t be causing trouble for you guys. You need each other—”

“We needed you!” His shout took me by surprise and water splashed onto the tile as I jumped and tried to move away from him. With a grunt, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled be back against him.

“Sorry,” he said gruffly. “It’s just hard to see your point of view, knowing you’re wrong and what the outcome of your stupid decision was.”

I tried to pull out of his grip again, but he refused to let go. Too tired to fight, I flopped back into him with a huff.

“Are you done?” he asked as though I were a petulant child.

I jerked my head in a nod, folding my arms over my chest in protest.

“Your family is here. We always have been. We already established the file you were sent to retrieve doesn’t exist, but what our fathers don’t know is we’ve been gathering intel on them for the last two years. I hate to tell you, but your father isn’t the victim you’ve always believed him to be. He was the trigger man on your mother’s murder, and so many others I don’t want to begin talking about. I have the files and I will show you, but you have to know the extent of the damage your decision caused. Nick went legitimately insane. I mean, now takes anti-psychotics, insane. You were what kept him stable, and if I’m honest, I can already see a difference in him just having you close. We almost lost Noel completely. He overdosed on fucking benzos he bought from my father and had to have his stomach pumped. Chris is still angry with you for all of it, if you couldn’t tell from the orgasm denial, which I won’t be disciplining him for. I think you deserved to hurt a bit. My point is you almost let fucking Dolph win. You almost destroyed us.”

My vision wavered as the first tear broke free and slid down my cheek. The idea of returning to these men I loved had been terrifying. I had feared for my body because I knew how ruthless they were. But it was always my heart that was in real danger. They owned me, body and soul, and the thought I was almost responsible for ending them? That Noel almost checked out for good? It was more than I could bear. With a sob, I turned in Satan’s arms and buried my face in his chest, mourning the time we’d lost because of my ignorance, crying my relief that I hadn’t lost any of them for good. When my breathing evened out and I was down to small sniffles, Satan lifted my chin and kissed the remaining tears from my cheeks. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, dropping his mouth to mine. I deepened the kiss, pushing my tongue past his teeth and trying to get as close to him as I could. As I straddled his hips, I felt him harden beneath me. “Sam,” I whispered, rocking against his rigid length as the nerve endings in my body began to spark once more. He grinned. “You are the only person on the planet who still calls me that. Even my father calls me Satan.”

“Let’s not talk about fathers right now. I want you.”

Satan groaned, lifting his hips to counter the stroke of my pussy over his dick. “I want you bare, babe. Do you trust me? I’m clean, and we can get a morning after pill tomorrow to be sure.”

Instead of words, I lifted myself enough to slide down his length on the next thrust. We groaned in unison as our bodies connected in a way that was foreign and yet utterly familiar. We had never taken the chance of fucking without protection and the reality of it was terrifying and thrilling by turns.

“Ride me, babe. Christ, you feel so good I don’t know if I’ll last.”

Taking his direction, I began to rock on him, ignoring the slosh of water over the edges of the tub as he wrapped his hands around my rib cage and guided me up and down on him.

With a grunt, Satan slid one hand down my body and began working my clit hard, taking me right to the edge and over as he pushed in deep and came with a rough growl. Clinging to each other, as though unsure if we could drown in the overwhelming sense of completion, we shuddered through our climaxes and stayed joined in the aftermath.

“Merry Christmas, Joy,” Satan murmured finally, pulling back to stare into my eyes.

“Merry Christmas, Sam,” I said, smiling softly.

When we emerged from the bathroom soon after, I was ushered into the kitchen where Noel had made up a plate of food big enough for me to share with everyone — though no one accepted my offer — and as we cleaned up the dishes and moved into the lounge, Chris raised the question that was forefront in everyone’s minds.

“What do we do next?”

It was an excellent question, and one I didn’t particularly want to discuss because I was learning I was a coward who didn’t want her heart broken again.

“Easy,” Satan said, flopping onto the sofa and pulling me into his lap. I arched a brow at him, unsure what his definition of easy may be. With a smirk, he moved his attention from me to the others in the room. “Who wants to be in a relationship with Joy?”

“I thought we already decided that. What the hell do you think we did all afternoon?” Nick said, snorting loudly.

“She needs to hear it,” Satan said, squeezing me tightly.

“You’re ours,” Noel said fiercely. “Whether you want to be or not.”

“Noel,” Satan warned.
