Page 52 of Her Christmas Harem

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THE NEXT MORNING, I woke up to Benedict’s broad shoulders between my legs, his talented tongue bringing me to glorious completion.

These men were going to ruin me for anyone else.

After I’d recovered from the aftershocks of exquisite bliss, he climbed up and kissed me deeply. The tart and salty taste of myself on his mouth was its own intensely arousing pleasure.

“Good morning,” I said against his lips.

He smiled. “Good morning, princess.”

My entire body ached in a way that made me want to stretch and purr like a satisfied cat. The scant hours of sleep I’d found in Benedict’s arms refreshed me more than an entire night’s typically did.

He tossed a pair of boxers and a T-shirt at me. “Shower. Dress.”

I frowned, and he tilted his head to the side, watching me from beside the bed. “What’s going on in your head, Piper?”

I didn’t like the neediness that streaked through me. Worry that he’d regret the night we’d spent together combined with an aching desire to hold him close to me and never let go. I grimaced before silently swinging my legs around and sitting up in the bed.

Benedict’s eyes softened as I hesitated to express myself. “C’mon. Let’s take a shower.”

Shoving my nerves into a deep hole in the pit of my stomach, I took his hand. The weather would clear up today or tomorrow, and all this would be a sweet fever dream. I needed to enjoy it while I could.

The pounding water of the shower soothed my aching muscles and all the deliciously sore spots from the night’s vigorous activities. Benedict wrapped his arms around me as the water flowed over us, nuzzling my cheek in the hot spray.

He poured shampoo into his hands and rubbed it into my hair, carefully washing it, then conditioning it, running his fingers through the silky strands to get the tangles out. The scrape of his fingers on my scalp drew a groan out of me. How long had it been since someone had taken care of me, instead of me taking care of them?

I turned to face him, running my fingers over his shoulders and his chest, tracing the tattoos covering his scars. A quiet voice whispered in the back of my mind that good men, peaceful men, didn’t end up with scars lining his entire body. I ruthlessly repressed it. This was only until the weather cleared up. What was the harm in enjoying myself?

Our wandering touches turned passionate, and he pulled me to him, lifting me until I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slammed me against the tile wall and I moaned. I was ready for him.

We made love, roughly, desperately, as if neither one of us were ready to say goodbye to the other. In moments, I was hollering my pleasure. With a frustrated grunt, Benedict pulled out of me, spilling his seed on my stomach as he came with a shout.

He looked down at my belly ruefully, then lowered me until my feet could touch the ground again. That had been so fast and so hot, I was still catching my breath. Without saying a word, he washed the remains of his release off me, his movements brusque and quick.

We finished our shower in silence, then brushed our teeth side by side. Benedict’s mood was somber, sending flutters of uncertainty through me. When I felt ready to face the day, I dressed in the clothes he’d given me earlier, then slipped out of the bedroom, trying to tamp down the nerves that appeared at his silence.

Ibrahim and James sat sprawled on the couch, watching the morning news and messing with their phones, their legs twined together, and James’ arm draped casually over Ibrahim’s shoulder. My eyes roved over their bare chests, appreciating the hard cuts of their muscles. When James caught me ogling the two of them together, he winked.

“Good morning, sunshine. Come over here and give me a kiss.”

I blinked. He knew I’d spent the night with Benedict, and he didn’t care. Warmth bloomed in my chest as I walked over to him. I stood between his spread legs and bent over, propping myself up with my palms on the back of the couch.

For a moment, I stared into his blue eyes in wonder, then he wrapped his hands around me and dragged my mouth to his. James hummed into my mouth as he traced my lips with his, teasing me as I pressed closer to him. I tasted his lips, then tangled my tongue with his, pressing ever closer until we were both breathless and gasping with need.

We pulled apart, resting our foreheads together. When I dove in for another kiss, he nudged me sideways, just hard enough that I lost my balance. I shrieked with surprise and laughter as Ibrahim caught me and maneuvered me onto his lap.

We stared at each other for a moment before he bent his head to capture my lips with his. Unlike the previous day’s sweet kisses, this was hard and possessive. His lips moved over mine with dark intent, our teeth clashing together as he laid claim to my mouth, biting and nipping at my bottom lip, then soothing it with his tongue.

Ibrahim kissed his way down my jaw to the sensitive spot behind my ear, where he sucked and licked until I squirmed on his lap, moaning with pleasure. He planted hot, open-mouthed kisses on my neck, then cupped my breast through the T-shirt, the heat of his palm searing into my skin.

“Good morning, Priceless Perfect Piper,” he whispered against my neck as he flicked my nipple with his thumb, eliciting a moan as pleasure rocked through me.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality. “Room service!” a cheerful voice announced from behind the door.

I was grateful for the interruption. Breathing hard, I extricated myself from Ibrahim’s grip and stood. “Good morning,” I whispered, kissing his cheek. Emotions roiled in my gut, more than I’d ever felt with Peter, even after two years of dating. This was too much, too fast, and I needed a moment to get my head on straight before I forgot that we’d never see each other again once the weather cleared.

Three hotel employees wheeled in carts laden with food, and most importantly, coffee. While they set a table up for us, Benedict gestured for me to join him.

“How do you like your coffee?”
