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His head inched lower. I pushed up on my toes.

We kissed.

A hot flush stole over my face and zinged down to my toes. The pressure was light and quick and over too soon. He pulled back and smiled.

“I won’t keep you,” he said.

“Oh, I want to be kept!” I breathed. Then, realizing what I’d said, I blinked and collected myself. “Just kidding. You’re right. I have to go.”

“See you tomorrow?” His eyebrows drew up together in a beautiful gesture of doubt as if I wasn’t going to be an instantyes. I wanted to kiss him all over again.

“Definitely.” I turned to go but stopped at the door. “I’ll be at the window in a front-row seat!”

His laughter echoed behind me as I slipped into the hallway and dashed for the exit. I’d help Lindsay with her latest wedding emergency, but for dragging me away from a romantic lunch date with the most attractive man I’d ever met—and that kiss! That kiss!—my sister was going to owe me big time.

Chapter Six

You owe me an explanation big time!” Lindsay yelled in my face the moment after I’d knocked and she’d opened the door to my parents’ suite.

“Argh!” I ducked and covered my head with my hand. “What are you talking about?”

“Where’s my dress?” she demanded. She leaned over me—way too close—her face an angry snarl.

“Why would I know?” I hunched toward the floor to go around her and took shelter behind my mother before straightening back up. I was being only marginally overdramatic. Lindsay was scary.

“Margot,” Mom swiveled her head around in my direction. “Your sister is just upset. I’m sure she doesn’t really think you’d take her wedding gown.” She gave me some side-eye and raised her eyebrows. “Right?No matter how much stress you’re under?”

I blinked at her. Was she serious? “No! Of course not! I’d never take her wedding dress.”

“Of course not.” She put her arm around me and squeezed me to her side. “Not even as a joke, right?” she said out of the corner of her mouth.

I ducked out from under her arm. “Oh my goodness! NO! I would never take Lindsay’s dress, even as a joke.” I flopped onto the bed on my back and let my mom and sister continue to stare down at me with varying levels of suspicion. Enough of that. I turned over and burrowed into the pillow.

“Where’s Dad?” I asked. My words came out kind of garbled because I didn’t lift my head, and the pillow was so soft it squished the side of my mouth. Mom understood what I was saying anyway.

“Your father went down to the first floor to talk to hotel security.”

“You’re going to get some poor maid fired over this,” I pillow-mumbled to Lindsay.

She folded her arms and bent over my pillow. “If she stole my dress, she deserves to be fired.”

I sat up on the bed and crossed my legs. If the dress was truly missing, they might leave me alone if I found it.

“Where was the last place you saw it? In the closet?” I stood. “We should go over to your room and investigate your closet.”

“Just so you can play detective like you did when we were kids? No, thanks. It’s not there. I want to find out where it really is. Let’s go to your room.”

Seriously? “It’s not in my room. And it’s fun to play detective. Besides, we might actually find something in your room. Like a clue.”

Lindsay rolled her eyes, but she and Mom followed me out to Lindsay’s door across the hall anyway.

“We’ve already looked everywhere,” Lindsay said stubbornly.

“Well, I’ve got fresh eyeballs.”

“Whatever.” She opened the door. I headed for the closet.

“It wasn’t even in there anyway.”
