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“No. It’s okay. It’s my fault. I didn’t have to order that third margarita and make you so worried you had to lock me into a mini-rehab.” I put a hand to my head, already anticipating the ache I’d be getting.

“I think it was the bartender’s fault for making the drinks so strong.”

“Really it was Josh’s fault for overreacting and butting in my business. Which means it’s really Lindsay’s fault for letting Troy choose Josh as one of his groomsmen.”

Isla nodded. “She should have put her foot down. Told her fiancé to hell with male friendships.”


“Yep, it’s all Lindsay’s fault.”

“Words to live by.” If I had a drink in my hand, I would’ve made a toast. I glanced over Isla’s shoulder at the shoppers streaming into the store. “Doesn’t matter, though. I’ll catch up with Tanner inside.” I pulled Isla to me and gave her a squeeze.

“Good luck! Call me later!”

“I will,” I promised and jogged into the store.

I didn’t have to go far before Faye found me. I bounced to a stop.

“Hello!” Her bright smile was luminous. “Margot, isn’t it?”

I returned her smile and tried to keep my toes from tapping with impatience. “It is. Good memory. How are you?”

“I’m good, dear, thank you. But how are you?”

“Sad I missed this morning’s display.” I leaned past Faye and scanned behind her for any sign of Tanner.

She clucked her tongue. “Oh, that’s too bad. It was fantastic, if I do say so myself.”

My stomach dipped with disappointment again. “I’m sure it was. I can’t believe I missed it. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but I wanted to catch Tanner. We’d talked about getting together after the display today.”

Faye frowned. I wondered how she managed to do that without any resulting lines or wrinkles. How old was this woman really? I’d have to grill her for her anti-aging beauty secrets when I had more time.

“I’m sorry, dear. Tanner has already gone for the day. He left you this note, though.”

She handed me an envelope, and my deflated spirits reinflated slightly.

“Thank you!” I was ready to tear the letter open right then, but apparently Faye wasn’t finished with me.

She put a finger to her chin. “How is it going between you and Tanner so far?”

I blinked at her. Her question felt intrusive, but then again they were obviously work friends, and she’d orchestrated our whole romantic lunch date yesterday.

She must have sensed my hesitation. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just that I think of…Tanner…as a son, and I’m very invested in what’s going on in his life.”

I nodded. I’d probably agree to anything if she’d leave me alone so I could open my letter. “Things are going well, I think. I really like him, and I think he likes me.”

Faye smiled with genuine warmth and patted my arm. “He really does, my dear. I’m so glad it’s going well.”

“Thank you. It is. Definitely. So wonderfully well, it’s magical.” Even though there wasn’t a mirror around, I had a pretty good idea what the dreamy expression on my face must look like.

“Wonderful.” Her eyes sparkled, and a woman holding a blouse by the hanger stood by Faye, waiting. Faye glanced at her and back at me. “If you see Tanner later, tell him ‘hi’ for me, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Please excuse me, dear. It appears I have a customer. Have a nice day.”

“Thanks. You too.”
