Page 30 of Empty Promises

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“I see you’ve been given information, and yet you still don’t know your place.”

Shrugging, I gave him my best innocent look. I was sure it wasn’t fooling any of them, but oh well. The noise around us picked up, and I peeked around Luxious. Samson walked through the doors, his blond hair was swooped back, and not a wrinkle in sight was on his clothes. Although he sported a smile, his eyes looked oddly empty. Chills raced down my spine.

I needed to get away from them as soon as possible. All four of them were bad news. “Well, have to go. I would love to sit here and chat, but—” I turned on my heels and headed for my first class.

To my surprise, none of them stopped me. Maybe my luck was turning around. I went for the desk in the front. Before I could sit down, some girl swooped in.

“Move along.” She waved her hand, shooing me like I was an insect.

Don’t bash her face into the desk.I repeated the notion three times before I calmed down enough to walk away. At the next desk I went to, the same thing happened.

“Where did you even come from? Don’t you know the order of things?” She rolled her eyes at me and turned to the first girl who’d shoved me out of the way.

“Hey, Keegan,” Mac said as he came up behind me. “Don’t cause a scene. They are waiting for it.”

I blew out a breath. “Little hard when they are pushing buttons.”

Mac sat down. I went for the seat next to him, only for it to be yanked away from me.

“What the fuck?” I twisted around. My tolerance for bullshit had gone out the window. Someone was going to get a bloody nose.

Hawke’s smiling face greeted me. His gaze dropped to my balled fist. I swear his eyes lit up with want.

“Go ahead, Corpse.”

My fingers twitched. He did just give me permission. I couldn’t possibly be expelled for hitting him if he asked for it, right? But was I really willing to take that chance?

Hawke’s shoulders dropped along with the corners of his mouth. “And here I thought you would be a lot more fun.”

I squinted at Hawke. What exactly did he deem fun? I was certain we had two very different definitions of the word. “Yeah, looks like you’re paying attention to the wrong person. Now can I have the seat back?”

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I could feel everyone else’s gaze on us, but I wasn’t taking my eyes off Hawke for a second.

“Ms. Quell, please take a seat. Class is about to start.”

“What did you call me?” I turned toward the teacher.

“Your name, Keegan Quell. Now have a seat. I won’t have you disrupting class.” He waved a piece of paper as if it was proof enough for my last name to be completely wrong.

“That isn’t my name,” I growled. What the hell had Richard and my mother done?

“I don’t have time for this. Either have a seat or get out of—”

Hawke cleared his throat, and the teacher shut his mouth. A nervous look came over his pale face. “Have a seat.”

I glanced over at Hawke, but he just smiled.

“Keegan.” Mac pointed to a seat, shaking his head slightly.

Fine,here isn’t the place. I plopped down and glared up at the teacher. What the hell did he mean it was my name? I pulled my phone out, making sure to hide it out of sight. Hawke might have kept me from getting kicked out, but I wasn’t trying to owe anyone any favors.

I sent off a text to my mother. Why in the hell is my last name changed?

There was no reply, but that was no surprise. She’d get back to me whenever I crossed her mind. Which was probably never.

Air brushed along the back of my neck, and I sat up straighter. “What the hell is your problem?” I whispered.

“How much time do you have?” Hawke asked.
