Page 1 of Beautiful Agony

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I walk into my house, and my father is coming out of his office. I can’t wait until I’m out of this dreadful house. It brings back dark memories, along with some good ones. My mom was murdered by a vampire ten years ago and my father hasn’t gotten over it yet. One day we will find the guy and he will be dealt with. Until then, I’ll continue killing them.

“I have a lead on a powerful vampire who is working and living in our town,” he says, and I nod. I follow him into the living room and take a seat on the chair by the window. I love looking out at the beautiful garden my mother started. Now we have gardeners to look after it.


“The Phoenix Agency. A bodyguard service.”

“A vampire as a bodyguard?”

“Yes, and I want you to go in as a victim who needs help.”

“This is my last job, Father. I’m not doing this anymore. I want to do my own thing.”

“And who is supposed to hunt vampires?”

“Hire people,” I tell him, and he hands me a folder. Time to go take out my last vampire. I want more than this in my life. I want a steady job that I love, a man to hold me and love me, and children. I let vengeance take over my life because of my father, but my mother would have never wanted this for me.


Two days later…

I am sitting in my office going through files that were given to me by Ryan. Like I don’t have enough clients on my list. I open a file and get lost in a daze. Staring back at me is a beautiful woman with skin as creamy as Snow White’s, long curly black hair, and emerald-green eyes that seem to stare into my soul. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to any female before. I close the file without looking at her info and go in search of Ryan.

“I need to talk to you,” I tell him as I come up to him while he talks to Valentine. Ryan nods and we enter his office.

“What’s up?” he asks as he takes a seat at his desk.

“I have a client I want to take on, but I had a reaction to her photo. I know I must sound crazy,” I say and run my hand through my hair.

“She’s your mate, man,” he says, and I look at him, puzzled. My mate? I’ve always thought myself to be alone forever. No one wants a vampire for a mate.

“How do you know?”

“Because the same thing happened to me when I met my beautiful mate.”

“So, do I take her on as a client?”

“Yes, you are best suited to protect her,” he says, and I nod before leaving his office. I guess I need to look at the info in the file and call her to let her know I’m taking her case. Ryan is right. I’m best suited. Plus, I wouldn’t trust anyone else protecting her.


Two days later…

I got a call from Brant, one of the bodyguards at the Phoenix Agency, an hour ago stating that he wanted to meet, so I am waiting for him to get done with a previous client. A beautiful blonde walks out of his office and touches his arm, laughing and being flirtatious with him. He looks like the player type—vampires are like that. He looks in my direction, then says something to the woman before she strides away. He motions at me and I stand, heading over to him and enter his office.

“So, your file says you are having issues with an abusive ex-boyfriend that keeps threatening you and stalking you. Is that correct?” he asks and sits in the chair behind his desk. I take a seat in a chair in front of his desk and cross my legs, placing my hands in my lap.

“Yes. I have tried the police, but he’s released a day later. He has pull in this town,” I tell him. I’m not lying about what is in the file; I really am having issues with my ex.

“Why me? You asked for me personally?” he asks, eyeing me suspiciously. I wiggle in my seat as I try to come up with an answer.

“You were recommended by someone close to me. I can’t give you their info, though, because they are in hiding,” I tell him, clearing my throat. Why do I want to jump in his lap and ride him like a pony?

“Okay. I need you to sign some paperwork stating you are taking me on as your bodyguard. There won’t be anyone looking out for you but me.”

“That’s fine. When will you start?”
