Page 47 of Falling for Rome

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Because something big was coming. I could feel it.

But I just shook my head. “I’ll give him a call and see where he is.”

I pulled my phone out to do just that but froze at the sound of King’s laughter for the second time today.

“Do you seriously think he’s going to answer a call from you? I heard all about your throwdown the other day. No way does he want another lecture from you.”

My head jerked up at King’s dismissive tone. Like I was the one who’d done Nix wrong. This wasn’t the time or place to hash it out. But I was definitely going to kill Nix later.

The irony of my vow, given where we were, didn’t escape me. Not that I would really kill him. Maybe just maim him a little.

My jaw flexed as I gritted my teeth. After a few calming breaths, I tipped my head at the remaining seats in his row. “Are you saving these for someone?”

“Take them. Then I won’t have to deal with the in-laws first thing. They can sit on the other side of the aisle.”

I nodded, gave King’s new blonde nanny—whose name escaped me—a chin jerk before sitting in the middle empty seat. Sophia took the chair next to the nanny, leaving an empty seat on my right for Nix. If he ever showed up.

Sophia bent toward the nanny who was holding Zoe. They spoke for a moment, their voices too low for me to hear. Or maybe that was blood boiling in my veins. I couldn’t believe Nix would manipulate King, given everything King had to deal with right now. And King fell for it—again. When would he figure out who the weasel really was? I wasn’t the one in the wrong here.

The more I thought about it, the more pissed off I got. I wasn’t aware I was squeezing my fists until Sophia reached over and touched my hand. My fingers ached as I relaxed them and let her hold my left hand. Her thumb rubbed against the back of my hand in a calming way but something about the contact made a prickle of goosebumps race up my arm.

She leaned into me, her soft breasts pressing into my arm. “You okay?”

I closed my eyes as a waft of sugary biscotti enveloped me. And aroused me. Dammit. This wasn’t the time or place orwomanto be thinking about this way.

I opened my mouth to answer when a commotion in the entryway had us all pivoting in our seats.

A middle-aged bottle blonde woman came storming up the aisle with the pastor on her heels. “You!” She shouted as she jabbed a wrinkled finger at my brother. “How dare you?!”

“Ma’am,” the pastor panted as he ran down the aisle. “I understand you have issues with the service, but this is not the way to resolve anything.”

The woman turned and glared at the pastor. “Back off. This shit doesn’t have anything to do with you, padre.” She turned back to King and shrieked, “How fucking dare you cremate my baby. What kind of monster are you? How could you burn my baby?”

I leaned toward Sophia, using my body to block her from the woman in front of us.

“Missus Kleinberg,” King stood in front of us as he lifted his palms in a placating gesture. “I understand you’re upset, and I told you over the phone—”

“Fuck your phone calls!” She shrieked. “She wasmydaughter. What right do you have to make these kinds of decisions?”

Standing up, I blocked King from his mother-in-law. “How about we save the discussion about all the ways my brother is a huge asshole until after the ceremony? If it helps, I’ll even add a few of my own.”

Mrs. Kleinberg blinked in confusion at me for a few beats. “What?”

“I’ll tell you all about the time my brother tied me to a pole in our basement with Christmas decorations, plugged them in, and then left me there alone and lit up like a Christmas tree for hours.”

Mrs. Kleinberg stared vacantly at me like I was speaking a different language.

“I have so many stories—and you can add your own—but after the service. I’m pretty sure the pastor wants to start now.” I tipped my head toward the agitated man wringing his hands. “When he’s done, we can find a private office somewhere here and hash the rest of the details out. Come on. We saved a whole row up front here for you and your family.”

“But he—”

“You’re totally right. He’s a butthead.” I wrapped my arm around her thin shoulders and maneuvered her toward the other side of the aisle. “We’ll talk after the service.”

I patted her shoulder as she sat down with a frown. She blinked and opened her mouth to say something when the pastor took the podium.

“If you all can find your seats, we can get started,” he said into the microphone.

I avoided King’s raised eyebrow as I returned to my chair. Sophia smiled at me like I was the bravest person in the whole world. I chuckled lightly and squeezed her hand as I sat down.
