Page 51 of Falling for Rome

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“You don’t know how long I’ve been thinking of you here, like this.” His breath was hot on my neck.

My eyes crossed at the combination of the sensation and his words.Hethought ofme? The crazy hot movie star had fantasized about me? He could’ve snapped his fingers and had almost any girl, but he’d thought about me? I melted.


All the feeling went out of my legs, and I sagged against him.

He laughed huskily in my ear then whispered, “Come on. Let’s get you comfortable, so I don’t have to worry about dropping you.”

I opened my mouth to answer him, but he moved so fast I couldn’t think, let alone talk. In a blink, he’d pivoted and hoisted me up and onto the bed. I was floating on the softest down comforter and blinking up at a god.

I couldn’t help it, a groan slipped out as I wrapped my arms around Rome’s looming body. “I half don’t think this is real. I swear I’ve had this exact dream before.”

“As sweet as that is, I’m just a regular guy.”

I snorted with laughter. “That’s not true. No regular guy has arms like this.” My hands ran over his bulging arm muscles. “Don’t wake up. Don’t wake up.”

“You’re ridiculous.” Rome laughed. Rolling to one side, he propped himself up on an elbow and ran his other hand under my shirt until he was cupping my naked breast. His thumb nudged my nipple until it hardened with need. Then suddenly he pinched my nipple tight, and I gave an involuntary gasp. “You feel that?”

“Yes.” I breathed out before groaning again.

His fingers tangled with my erect nipple, teasing it with soft touches before pinching it again sharply. “Then you’re definitely not dreaming. Stay in the fucking moment.”

I had maybe a half second to blink at his angry words before he was pushing up my shirt and replacing his fingers with his talented mouth. I dropped my head back with a moan. Weaving my fingers through his hair, I just held on.

He teased me with both his fingers and his mouth until I was writhing against him. He’d torment one breast, laving all his attention on it until I thought I would actually orgasm from that alone. And then he’d move to the other one, leaving my left breast aching.

I arched against him mindlessly, needing more. I was so close and yet not close enough all at once. I couldn’t take it. After so many minutes of this endless play, I pushed him away and ripped my shirt off over my head. My hands flew to my pajama bottoms, needing all the itchy material off my body. I shoved the tiny shorts off my hips and kicked them away, my underwear gone with them. “I am about a millimeter away from ripping your pants off and mounting you right now.”

“Sounds good to me, baby. Climb on aboard.” Rome smiled wolfishly at me as he whipped his shirt off and shucked his own pants down his legs. His large and very erect cock stood straight out from his body.

My jaw dropped. I didn’t—I couldn’t think withthatwaving in front of me. I swear it was love at first sight, and I’d never said that about a dick before, but it was true. It was thick and large and proud and just mouthwatering. I wanted it. I wanted to touch it, taste it, and then feel it thrusting deep inside me.

Almost involuntarily, my hand reached out and wrapped around his hard length. I squeezed it gently as my thumb brushed against the little fold of skin under the head. Rome groaned and bucked into my hands. I leaned down and licked at the little bead of moisture forming on the slit. Rome groaned again and fisted his hands in my hair, but he didn’t force my head down or guide me in any way. He just held my hair back with his big, meaty hands and let me have my way with him.

And I did.

I licked and sucked and milked him with my hands until I was all but humping his legs with my lower body. Something about my position and having all of him under my hands made me feel so hot and wanton. And totally powerful.

I quickly learned what he liked—deep suction and pretty much any attention on his cock—and what he didn’t—no playing with his balls. Just when I thought I had him right where I—and he—wanted him, he pushed me away.

“If you don’t climb on now, it’ll be a few before he gets to play again. I’m right on the brink, Soph. I’m not joking.”

I blinked up at him. “I kinda thought that was the point.”

“Not now. Not for our first time. I wanna be buried deep inside you, feeling you quake around me the first time with you.” He reached up and pulled me down to him. He gently kissed me like he was asking for forgiveness.

It was sweet, hot, and so freaking confusing. What man turned down a blow job? I kinda thought we had all night, so who cared who came first and where? But after a few more gentle kisses from Rome, I forgot what we’d been talking about, and after a few more, I think I forgot my own name.

“Come here,” he whispered huskily. His hands tugged me and pulled my body until I was up and over his head. He cupped my butt, leaving me wide open and exposed on top of his face.

I gasped and grabbed the headboard. “Rome! You don’t have to—”

“I’ve been thinking about tasting you almost as long as I’ve been thinking of you in my bed. So shut up and hang on.”

And I did.

He tormented me. Licking. Sucking. Everywhere except where I wanted him. My hips bucked against his face as I moaned. “Rome, I don’t…that’s not…”
