Page 62 of Falling for Rome

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“Sounds like a challenge to me.”

“Ro, don’t! You can’t carry—” She cut off in a squeal as I proved that I could carry her.

“Nothing to it. You don’t weigh much more than Pongo.”

“Rome, you’re being ridiculous. Put me down. This can’t be good for your back.”

“Let me worry about that.”

I carried her in my arms, her legs draped over my right arm and my left supporting her back and headed for the house. We left the blanket and electric candles behind. Jeff would take care of all of it tomorrow. And despite her protestations, Sophia cuddled up to my chest, her nose nuzzling my neck. This definitely felt right.

Once inside, I had to pivot to protect my precious cargo from my bounding dog.

“Pongo, no.” I scolded. “Down.”

Pongo whined and sat at my feet, his whole body vibrating with his eagerness.

Shaking my head at my goofy dog, I walked past him and down the hallway. I turned away from her room and instead opened my bedroom door. Now that I had her in my arms, I wasn’t ready to let her go.

“Rome, I don’t think…”

I paused in the doorway. “Nothing has to happen tonight. I just want to hold you a little longer.”

Sophia sighed but didn’t contradict me.

I walked into my bedroom and gently set her down on the bed.

“I’m just going to go wash some of the sand off.” And maybe rub one out, but I didn’t say that part. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be quick.”

Sophia blinked up at me from my bed and shook her head. “I, uh…”

“Stay. Please? I’ll be right back.”

“’Kay.” Sophia toed her shoes off and pulled the bedspread up and over herself.

And I got the hell out of there.

Don’t get me wrong. I wanted to do more—it killed me not to do more. But I’d already made so many missteps in my short time with Sophia, I didn’t want to move too fast—again—and screw up our burgeoning relationship.

I ducked into my closet, grabbed a few things, then tossed Sophia a t-shirt.

She looked up at me with a frown.

“For you. To sleep in tonight.”

She ducked her head with a shy smile. I grinned back at her and then stepped into my bathroom. After the quickest shower known to man—one where I didnottake care of myself since I was worried Sophia would jet if I took too long—I toweled off and dressed in a tee and boxer briefs, the most clothed I’d ever been at night.

I ripped open the bathroom door, half afraid I’d find Sophia had disappeared back to her room. She hadn’t. My whole body relaxed when I saw her burrowed in my bed. Just where I’d left her.

Only, now she was asleep. Her eyes closed and with the most relaxed expression I’d seen on her face. She was gorgeous.

Something about seeing her in my shirt had me feeling all primal. Territorial. I’d marked her as mine. Diving into the bed, I pulled Sophia back into my arms and settled into the downy softness of my pillows.

This felt damn near perfect. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept with a woman, just holding her in my arms.

Pongo pushed the door open and bounded onto the bed.

“Pongo. Down.” I hissed again at him.
