Page 68 of Falling for Rome

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But instead of word-vomiting all those emotions, I just shook my head. “I should probably get some work done while I can.”

“Are you sure?” Rome’s brow wrinkled. “You won’t be in the way. Jeff comes to set with me.”

“I’m sure. My fingers are already itching to get to writing.”

“Okay, if you’re sure. Give Jeff a call if you change your mind.”

Another thundering knock came from the door.

“I’m coming!” Rome shouted before turning to me and shaking his head. “The bastard is five minutes early. We’re just lucky he didn’t come earlier. Orwedidn’t come later.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re ridiculous. Get to work.”

“All right. I’ll be back for my breaks and we can eat lunch together at least. Later.”

“Bye!” I shouted at his retreating back. A few beats later, I heard the trailer’s door open and Rome grumbling at Jeff before the door swung closed again, leaving me in the still silence.

With only my thoughts to keep me company.

But I was determined not to let my twisty thoughts get me down. I wanted to ride this euphoria high to get all the words onto the page and finish this script. I rolled off the bed and hunted around on the floor for my panties but couldn’t find them. They weren’t anywhere on the floor or in the bed. They couldn’t have just disappeared. Where were they?

I shrugged off the mystery of the missing panties and headed for my computer bag to get set up, panty-less. Every step was a reminder that I wasn’t wearing anything under my dress. And every step reminded me of the way I’d ridden Rome so hard only minutes ago. My grin was wide as I plugged my computer in.

No, I couldn’t keep daydreaming of that amazing man and his amazing cock. I had work to do.

In minutes I was lost in my treasure hunting story and not thinking about my surroundings or the sexy man responsible for all my writing time.

Chapter Nineteen


Four days later

Despite my best intentions,The Babblerstill got pictures of us coming and going from my trailer and the lot. Someone onsite had sold us out. When I figured out who, I was gonna go medieval on their ass.

Still, they were decent pictures. They’d gotten a pic of Sophia leaving my trailer after that first day on set—after I’d eaten her out, fucked her hard, and then stole her panties as tribute. No one would know from looking at the pictures. She looked windblown and happy and just so fucking gorgeous. But I knew.

I might just ask Jeff to get copies printed.

Although I still hadn’t drilled down on why she’d been so weird when we got to the lot.

Or why she hadn’t joined me on set in the five days we’d been filming. She was all about movies. Why wouldn’t she want to see how it all went down? But every time I’d asked, she’d smile and say something about how her time was better spent writing. Who was I to tell her different? It’s not like I loved every minute I spent on set. But it was still confusing to me. For someone writing a movie, I didn’t get why she didn’t want to experience any of it. It was baffling.

“Have you heard anything about who leaked the photos?” I asked Jeff as I passed his phone back across the kitchen island. We were enjoying a little quiet breakfast before heading into the studio. Sophia had dipped out to shower, so we were free to talk.

“Nah.” Jeff shoveled another bite of Cocoa Pebbles in his mouth and talked through the bite like the kid at heart he still was. “And I doubt anyone would tell me the truth. Everyone knows I’m your man.”

“Maybe chat up the wardrobe people or the makeup artists? They usually have the best gossip.”

“Already tried that, boss.” Jeff beamed at me through the chocolatey haze sheening his teeth.

I just shook my head. “Has Sophia said anything to you?”

“What? Do you think she’s the leak? No way.”

“No. I know she’s not behind the photos.” I closed my eyes and sighed. Maybe it was too early to have any kind of sane conversation. “I meant, have you talked to her about anything? Do you know why she won’t come to set?”

“Ah, no. Not really. At most we exchange pleasantries. We don’t really talk much.” Jeff dropped his spoon in his empty bowl with a clank. “But I mean, it is weird. She writes scripts, so why doesn’t she come to set? She should be all over that.”
