Page 10 of Forsaken

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“Dinner’s ready. You look lovely Demetria.” He stalks back out of the room and down the hall.

“Since when does he come all the way up here to tell you that?” I ask, looking at Amy’s profile as she continues looking at the door.

“Since a few days ago when he sat me and Connor down, apologizing for not always being present.”

“What! Why didn’t you tell me?” I almost shoot up out of my seat.

“’Cause I knew you were spending quality time with your parents since they were leaving today. I planned on telling you after dinner, I promise.”

I shake my head at her thoughtfulness, grateful to have a friend like her, but also wishing she would’ve called me so I could be there for her. I know that was big.

“Next time, call me, okay?” She nods and smiles, grabbing for my hand, interlocking our fingers. “Wait, what about your makeover?”

She shrugs, her smile growing wide on her perfectly tanned face.

“No need because no one will be paying attention to me when they get a look at you. I’m going to have to be your support woman instead.” We both laugh as we walk out the door, heading downstairs for dinner.

The dining area outside onlooking the view of the Los Angeles skyline is where dinner will be held tonight. Mr. Peterson is really pulling out all the stops for this guy. I take a seat next to Amy, directly across from an annoyed looking Connor.

His hair is disheveled and there’s a cut under his eye, making me raise a brow in question at where he was and what he was doing. He catches my gaze, sneering and lets out a scoff.

“Trying to land a sugar daddy tonight? You might be in luck ‘cause it seems like this guy might be the president or some shit.” I let his comment roll off my back, unaffected by anything Connor throws my way.

“You trying to be something you’re not?” I point at the cut under his eye, “too bad being a scrawny spoiled rich boy seems to be ingrained in your pea-sized brain.”

Connor is far from scrawny, but I knew that comment would piss him off.

Just as I say that though, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson waltz outside through the fully open backdoor. It slides from wall to wall, making the home seem more open than it is. Her hands are resting on his bicep as he leads them to the table.

“Hello, Demi dear.” Mrs. Peterson says, and I offer her a wave. She’s not my favorite person, but I remain respectful for Amy’s sake.

“Playing nice?” Mr. Peterson’s brow raises between Connor and me.

“Playing fair,” I respond while shooting Connor a look.

He chuckles pulling out his wife’s seat, allowing her to sit down before standing at the head of the table.

“Thank you all for being here and on time,” he glances at Connor, “Everyone at this table is family, and therefore, important. Tonight will shake up this family, but I believe we are strong enough to push through and continue being the Peterson’s…and Demi, I know and love.”

“Honey, what are you going on about?” Mrs. Peterson sips her wine.

“I’m getting there. I’ve recently found out some news, but I was waiting until the right time to disclose them to you –”

The doorbell rings, causing Mr. Peterson’s eyes to shoot toward his wife with…caution? He seems nervous as shit, and I’ve never seen him nervous a day in my life.

“If you’ll excuse me,” he says before he scurries to the front door.

I shoot Amy a look at the same time she looks at me with just as much confusion as the rest of us. Movement catches my attention, causing me to look back towards the entrance to the backyard.

There stands Mr. Peterson, but with him is no corporate ogre. A boy who seems to be around the same age as me, stands with his hands tucked into light blue ripped jeans. His shirt is black with the words “If there’s weed, I’m in” displayed in white times new roman. His ratty vans tell me he either skates, or just doesn’t care what happens to his shoes when he’s wearing them. His face is something out of a magazine with chiseled cheek bones, a perfectly shaped jaw line, and full lips cooled into an unamused frown. His sharp blue eyes catch my attention the most, causing me to be mesmerized on the spot.

“Everyone, this is Canon. My son.”

Chapter 5


I don’t know how I ended up calling Kane.
