Page 20 of Forsaken

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When I look at the card, my word is fairly easy, so I’m confident we’ll come out this round on top.

“Okay, um…it’s something you have when you make a lot of money.”

“A business,” Mr. P shouts and I shake my head.

“An affair,” Mrs. P slurs, and Mr. P shoots her a worried look. I shake my head again.

“You can get it in a store, and they come in different…metals.” They sit there thinking amongst themselves, and I’m about to give another hint when Mrs.P speaks up.

“Oh, jewelry!”

“YES!” I shout with way more enthusiasm than I meant. I go to grab another card, but a strong calloused hand wraps around my now seemingly small wrist.

“Not so fast, Goldilocks. Your time is up.” Canon holds the timer up for me to see, and I try hard to focus on everyone present in the room. The moment his hand touched me, I knew it’d be dangerous to even think about him in anyway besides him being Ame’s brother.

My legs feel like jelly, and I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

He lets go and hands me the timer, seemingly unaware of the way my body almost gave out. I clear my throat and give my team a thumbs up.

“It’s okay, we’ll get them next time.”

“Yea, keep dreaming,” Canon’s sharp voice cuts in, “me and Ame got this in the bag.” He sends a wink her way and she responds with a huge smile.

I’m happy that they seem to be getting a long, but it seems like it makes Connor even more upset.

Canon grabs his card and I start the timer. It’s like rapid fire, the way he gives his hints. It’s as though he’s already figured out how Amy’s brain works, so he’s able to work the hints in her favor, causing her to guess them immediately.

He’s on his fourth card now by the time I snap out of the daze I’m in, admiring how cunning and smart he seems.

“Alright little Ame, for the win. This is something our dear brother Connor lacks.”

Uh oh.

“Self-control? A job?” Amy starts throwing out answers.

Canon shakes his head smiling.

“A life?”

“Nope, but close.”

Connor looks at Amy with wide eyes, probably surprised that this is how she thinks of him. If he ever got his head out of his own ass, he’d see how much of an ass brother he’s been.

“Times up!” I squeal, “it’s a tie!”

“The word was experience,” Canon says to Amy.

“You don’t know shit about me or what I’ve experienced,” Connor shoots up from his spot on the couch.

“You’re right, but I do know it doesn’t compare to half the shit I had to go through while you sat your privileged ass in this too big house, never wondering where your next meal is coming from.” Canon walks closer to Connor, causing Mr. P to stride over.

“What’s wrong? They didn’t feed you in that poor little orphanage?” Canon is about to swing, but Mr. P grabs his arm.

“Connor, could you for once just act like the boy I raised.” Connor’s mouth slacks open and he stalks off somewhere else in the house. “Canon, that was uncalled for. I get you’re still adjusting, but respect needs to be given to everyone in the house. Everyone.”

Not wanting to deal with this awkward night anymore, I slip passed the two almost identical looking men and head for the room I’m staying in upstairs.

I couldn’t have predicted how tonight went, nor would I have predicted my body’s intense reaction to Canon’s touch.
