Page 115 of Dare You to Lie

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“We are. There is nothing going on between Will and me.”

“I believe you.”

“Ugh. Come on!” She tugged my arm, and I followed her to the beer tent.

Chapter 32


IT WAS THE WEEK before Christmas, and Sid had been hiding out since the tree lighting last week. He said he had to work all the night shifts because someone was on vacation, but I knew he was avoiding me. Tonight was family dinner, and I hoped he would be there. Except I wasn’t sure what to say.

“You look good,” Rebecca said. She’d stayed the night with me because I was so upset about the situation.

“Thanks. I hope I don’t cry my makeup off.”

“He might not even be there.”

I sniffed. “That would make me cry too.”

“Come here.” She pulled me into a hug, and I tried hard not to let the tears fall. I sat back and took a deep breath, rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans.

“Ready?” she asked gently.

I nodded and pulled my oversized blue- and cream-checked scarf tighter around my chin. Rebecca pulled her peacoat tighter around her when she stepped out of the car. It was cold, and there was fresh snow on the ground. She looked adorable in her black leggings and blue sweater. Unlike my impractical heeled boots, hers were appropriate for the weather but still cute.

We hurried into the house, and a blast of warm air hit me in the face. Rebecca toed off her boots while I leaned back against the wall and unzipped mine.

“Those are adorable, and I want to borrow them when I’m not trucking around in snow,” Mindy said. She was coming down the stairs with Ava in her arms.

“Go ahead. We’re the same size.”

She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head, and she nodded.

“I thought you would have come with Sid,” she said.

“He’s here?” I asked, earning another frown. Never mind.

Rebecca grabbed my hand and squeezed it for support as we followed Mindy to the kitchen. Sid was in the sunroom with the guys. His back was to me, and I took a minute to take him in. His long hair was slightly wet and curled at the bottom like it did after he showered. Where did he shower? He wasn’t at the house when I left.

A sick feeling flooded my stomach. Was he cheating on me? I was terrible at seeing the signs. I didn’t know Alessandro was cheating, and he lived in my apartment. God, I was pathetic.

As if he sensed my eyes on him, Sid turned around slowly. The grin slipped from his face, and he looked at the ground. It felt like a knife had pierced my heart. He was going to end things with me. Why hadn’t he done it already? What was he waiting for, and what had happened?

I held my breath, waiting to see what he’d do next. When he turned back around to continue his conversation, the knife that pierced me sliced my heart wide open. I felt the tears falling but couldn’t get them to stop. Frank noticed and nodded his head toward me. Sid turned around.

“Shit.” He jumped toward me and put his hand on my arm. He led me to the small bathroom near the front door and shut us inside. “I’m so sorry, Kat. Please don’t cry.”

“You showered?” I asked.

His brows pulled together. “Yes.”


“Here. Is that why you’re crying?”

I shook my head. He ran a hand through his hair and sat on the toilet.
