Page 152 of Dare You to Lie

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He chuckled. “Of course.”

Vincent ordered expensive wine and an appetizer. I nibbled at a slice of bread while we waited. The server brought out our wine, and a few minutes later, the appetizer came out.

We had almost finished with our meals when Vincent finally got to the point of our dinner.

“Katherine, I’m not sure if you heard, but my Grandmother Violet passed away recently.”

“Oh no, I’m so sorry.” I lifted my hand and reached for his before I realized what I was doing and put it back in my lap.

He nodded. “Thank you. The family is holding a memorial service on Saturday, and I’d love it if you’d attend. You know how much that would have meant to my grandmother. She always liked you.” He smiled. It wasn’t forced or fake, and it threw me a little.

It was true, his grandmother did like me, and she made it a point to tell me so every time she saw me. Which was often since Vincent and I had attended many family dinners.

“I’ll be there,” I mumbled. “For Violet,” I added.

“Yes, of course.”

Vincent paid the bill, and I finished off my glass of wine.

“What time should I pick you up on Saturday?”

I looked up at him and, for the first time since our breakup, felt bad about turning him down. It could have been my own sorrow about his grandmother passing away or the sad look on his face. Still, I wasn’t going to ride with him and get stuck there. Especially since his family would be there.

“No need. I’ll drive myself.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’ll drive there? Do you remember how to get there? I was always the one that drove us.”

“I remember. I’m not an idiot.”

“I never said that you were. I was merely implying that you might not remember since you were always a passenger.”

I rolled my eyes. Tired of this conversation and the back and forth with him. “I’ll be fine, Vincent.”

“All right then. I’ll see you there at three.”

“Yes. See you at three.”

We walked out to our cars in awkward silence, having already said goodbye in a way. I slid behind the wheel and quickly shut the door before he could say anything else. He hesitated beside his car before getting in and driving away.

What had I just agreed to? I found myself connected to Vincent more and more lately. Here I was trying to sell the house to make a clean break, and I had just agreed to spend an afternoon with Vincent and his family.

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