Page 48 of Dare You to Lie

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My dad’s face lit up. “I’d love to show you around. We have excellent wines to taste. Perhaps after dinner we could visit the tasting room.”

“I’d like that,” she said.

A rumble came from my throat that only Kat heard. She smiled at me and squeezed my leg under the table, causing me to flinch. Her smile turned into a sly grin before she pulled her hand away.

“I’d love to show you the new arbor arch we set up for weddings,” Mom said.

“You hold weddings here?” I asked.

She nodded. Her face was lit with pure joy. “We started this summer, and we’re already booked a year out. But we’ll make an exception for you. As soon as you get me your date, I’ll move some things around.”

Kat choked on her water, and I lightly patted her back. She covered it with a smile.

“Duke, how is school going?” I asked, changing the subject.

He finished chewing and then smiled. “Good. Busy.”

“What are you going to school for?” Kat asked.

“I recently changed directions.”

“You did?” I asked.

He nodded. “I was going into pediatric cardiology, but there’s a need right here in Ridge Point for a doctor. I’m thinking of opening a family practice. A friend of mine would be willing to move to town to partner with me.”

“I didn’t know you were thinking of that,” Mom said.

His cheeks pinked. “It’s a new thing. I wouldn’t have to go to school for as long, and I could live here after I finished. I figured it was the right thing to do.”

“But you love kids, and you want to help them,” Mom argued.

“I know, and I’d still be helping. Where would the kids here in town go when they got hurt? I can make a difference here, and there’s a need.”

“Wow,” Kat said. A look of admiration crossed her face, and I rolled my eyes. Not that I wasn’t proud of my brother. He was smart as shit and going to do amazing things, but the doe-eyed look Kat was giving him irritated me.

Duke was the most generous of the three of us and was always looking for ways to give back to his community. Will did the same, but with his wallet and time, not his heart. That didn’t matter to my dad. He now had two sons investing in the future of their town, and one who was investing his time and resources in another. I was always the black sheep.

I cleared my throat, and Kat shook her head and looked away from Duke. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and I had the urge to punch it off.

“That’s very noble of you,” Kat said.

I snorted. Her head whipped in my direction and fire blazed in her eyes. “It is. I’m sure it takes a lot of dedication to do something like that. And changing your profession because there’s a need somewhere else is honorable.”

I rolled my eyes, and I swore I saw flames rise in Kat’s. I tugged on the collar of my button-up, and Will barked out a laugh. My dad shot him a look, and he quieted down, but the smirk was still on his lips. I opened my mouth but was saved by my mom bringing out the main dish.

There was a tense undercurrent between Kat and me for the rest of dinner that I wanted to erase. I was always putting my damn foot in my mouth and offending her. There was so much about her that surprised me, and I needed to make more of an effort since we were stuck in this situation together.

Chapter 15


“KAT MENTIONED SHE WANTED to see the trees in the mountains during fall. You should take her on a hike soon before it gets too cold,” Will told Sid when he returned from the bathroom.

We were gathered in the tasting room with glasses of wine. Well, the men had a single glass each, while I had a row of small tasting glasses filled with different wines. It was glorious.

Sid scoffed. “She doesn’t hike.”

My head nearly spun off my neck with how fast I whipped it in his direction. I glared at him. He had the audacity to look surprised.

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