Page 72 of Pretty Spiteful

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I return my lips to hers, losing myself in her taste until we both grunt and groan our releases, panting heavily as we cling to one another.

“I can’t believe we just did that,” she eventually says in a breathless tone, making no effort to untangle herself from me. “If that doesn’t get his attention, I don’t know what will.” There’s a joking smile on her lips, but concern is hidden in the depths of her eyes.

Catching her chin between my fingers, I wait until she lifts her eyes to stare at me through her thick eyelashes. “I hope it does, but that wasn’t just for him.”

Her responding smile is soft and warm, and sincere, and I plant a final kiss on her lips before lowering her leg and waiting until she’s fixed her skirt around her waist before stepping away and allowing her to open the door.

As I walk around to the driver’s side, a rare genuine smile on my face, I’m still riding the high from the twist tonight took, but one thing is for sure, I won’t let this asshole ruin this one for me.



I’m still grinning like a lunatic when I step through the front door of the house.

“Ah, the lovebirds have returned,” Wilder jests from the kitchen doorway, startling me. What the hell is he doing just hovering there like a creep? Was he waiting for us to come home? “Did you catch yourselves a stalker?”

“Not yet, but hopefully soon,” Kai states confidently.

Wilder cocks a brow, his sharp gaze jumping back and forth between us, and I have to resist the urge to reach up and flatten my hair or fix my makeup, wondering if there’s anything that might give away what we just did. “So you think you pulled it off?”

My gaze darts to Kai, and I find him smirking at me. “Oh, definitely.”

I snort out a laugh, making Wilder’s other brow jump skyward as he scrutinizes us before seeming to force his expression into something blank. “Whatever, it’s not like I care. As long as you’re not planning on having some sort of post-fake-date fuck. I don’t need to hear that shit.”

Kai snorts. “Like the rest of us don’t hear when you’re getting your rocks off.”

My cheeks must turn bright red as my eyes widen in shock, and my gaze drops to the floor, remaining glued to a knot in the floorboard. However, Wilder clearly isn’t as embarrassed as I am, as he simply chuckles. “You think you’d be grateful. I’m giving you something to jack off to.” At his crude words, I glance up at him through my lashes, noticing when Wilder’s gaze flicks to mine, heating with liquid lust. “Doesn’t she sound way better than the fake moans on those porn sites?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’m not sure I’ve actually heard the poor girl come… at your hands.”

Fucking hell, this is turning into some sort of pissing contest, and I’m not sure I really want to be here for it.

One of Wilder’s cheeks twitches, the muscles in his jaw repeatedly bunching and unbunching as he struggles to keep his composure, before giving up and storming up the stairs. He makes sure to slam each foot solidly against every step, alerting the entire house to his tantrum.God, he acts like a five-year-old who was told he had to share his toys.

“I’m sorry,” Kai says, looking chagrined when Wilder’s bedroom door finally slams shut. “I shouldn’t have said that. It was childish.”

I chew on my bottom lip before venturing, “So why did you?”

He sighs, his shoulders dropping as he shakes his head. “I don’t know. The way he treats you pisses me off.” Holding up his hands in a placating gesture, he adds, “Not that it’s any of my business what the two of you have going on. I know it’s complicated.”

“It is,” I agree, although not harshly. “I can’t begin to explain it any better than you can. I just… I think it’s what he needs right now. Anyway,” my lips quirk up into a soft smile. “I had fun tonight. Thank you.”

Kai’s returning smile is full of boy-next-door charm, the same as it has been all night, and I swear every time he dazzles me with it, it makes my knees go weak. “So did I. Sweet dreams, Em.”

Giving him a lame wave goodnight, I head up the stairs, feeling lighter than I have in a long time. My lips still tingle from Kai’s kiss, and I’m not entirely sure how tonight changes things between us. I just know that it has.

He’s been my safe port in the storm these last few weeks, and perhaps it’s some twisted form of Stockholm syndrome, but with his easygoing personality and reassuring aura, it’s hard not to feel safe and protected around him. Don’t even get me started on how right it felt to be in his arms tonight, with my back pushed against the car. I’ve wondered once or twice—okay, maybe a few more times than that—what it would be like to be in his arms. To be the person Kai focusesallof his attention on. I’ve no doubt he’d give a hundred percent to any relationship. He’s perfect boyfriend material—a touch of darkness encapsulating a wholesome interior. I’m not fooled, I know something happened in his past that he doesn’t like to discuss, and it’s left him jaded, but it hasn’t eaten him alive like Wilder’s past has.

I’m still replaying my evening with Kai when I step into my room and flick the switch, coming up short when I find Hawk lounging on my bed in just his boxers.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” His hands are clasped behind his head, his feet crossed at the ankles, making it obvious he’s been waiting for me, but why? Unbidden, my eyes trail over his exposed, toned chest and muscular thighs. Hawk has definitely not lost his enthusiasm for the gym since he left high school, not only maintaining the bulk he had back then, but adding to it with brand new muscles that I don’t even know the name of.

“How was your date?”

“Fine,” I answer carefully, unsure whether his presence in my room is a good thing or not.

He cocks a brow. “Just fine?”
