Page 61 of Our Offseason

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I quickly turned away from them and stared at the bonfire’s dancing flames.

Had I really just built a whole fucking future for us in my head while she was falling for someone else…?

I chucked her lemon square in the fire.

I had to do something drastic. Something that I didn’twantto do, but that I knew would save us. Something to show her that she would miss me if she didn’t have me…


As soon as I started walking up the lawn, I heard the beginnings of the happy birthday song, and I felt a giddy bubble of nervous energy rising in my chest.

I had thought it was weird that Tyler wanted to just chat with me after we got off the boat, and I was kind of annoyed because I wanted a chance to talk to Duke, but now it all made sense. He was just part of a stalling plan so that Paige could get everyone up on the patio to sing happy birthday around a cake for me.

I eyed Tyler next to me, and he shrugged nonchalantly. I playfully shoved him, then jogged the rest of the way up their lawn.

The hockey guys cracked me up as they sang their hearts out totally off-key and over-the-top. They actually put their arms around each other and swayed as they sang.

And I can’t lie, I smiled at each one of them, but I was really trying to locate Duke. I’d been waiting for him to come chat with me all day. I felt too awkward to approach him. I strategically chose a spot on the boat where he could sit behind me and I’d be able to lean against him, and dear Lord, maybe he’d even put those sculpted arms of his around me…. but that plan got thwarted by Max and Grey… I figured maybe after tubing we’d get our opportunity.

At the close of the song, Paige happily placed the homemade birthday cake that looked like it was about to melt away with lit candles decorating it in front of me…

And that’s when I saw him. He was standing across their outdoor patio table from me and my glowing cake… And I instantly envisioned chucking it at him.

My heart sunk.

Because he wasn’t looking back at me. No, he wasn’t concerned with me at all. He was concerned with Daniella’s tongue inside his mouth.

Paige’s face faltered as she saw what I was staring at. She made a look at Max, as if saying,take care of that.But there was nothing either of them could do to fix this, and they shouldn’t have felt responsible to do anything anyway. It wasn’t their fault. They’d been nice enough to put this little birthday moment together for me, and I wouldn’t let Duke ruin it.

I put a smile on my face even though my heart hurt. I blew out my candles, wishing and hoping for the same things I always did, but that year after year continued to elude me…

As soon as I finished cutting the cake and passing out pieces, I stood and gave Max a hug, then turned to Paige.

She looked at me with a very sorry expression on her face and it took all of me not to break down as I hugged her.

“Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. I promise,” she said into my hair.

I nodded as I pulled back. “Bathroom,” I said tightly, and then I quickly excused myself.


I clenched my jaw as Claire ducked her head and tore away into the house.

The guilt over making her so upset ate at my conscience, but I had to do it. Now she knew how I felt all day while she ran around with Tyler.

I shot a satisfied snarl in Tyler’s direction, but all he did was bow his head and awkwardly look away.

Whatever. What I did was justified, and not even Paige marching toward me with a pissed off look on her face and Max in tow as back-up could make me regret my actions.

“What is wrong with you?!” Paige whispered harshly at me.

I stuck my jaw out at her defiantly. “Me?”

“Yes, you! You stupid idiot!” She wacked my chest.

“Hey, don’t—”

I was cut off by Max shaking his head at me— a warning not to speak out of line to his girl.
