Page 69 of Our Offseason

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I gave Beau some pets under the table. She did have a point. “I’ll think about it.”

“And maybe eat your own food instead of giving it to Beau?” she said with an amused grin.

I poked my lunch with my fork. “Yeah… I just don’t have an appetite right now.”

Addie walked to the table and leaned down to give me a quick hug. “It’s just because your heart hurts. It’ll be okay, I promise,” she said with a sympathetic smile. “I have a feeling it’ll all work out. You just need to have some patience with him,” she said quietly.

I nodded, even though I did not agree. I couldn’t see how things would ever work out the way I wanted them to. I didn’t want to bum her out by admitting that though. She needed to be in a good headspace for Monday, not worrying about my relationship drama.

“Have a safe drive.” I stood to clear my plate. “And I think I will head over to dad’s and give Beau some space to run.”

Spending the night in my childhood bedroom sounded oddly comforting at the moment.

But she still stood there rooted to her spot in the kitchen.

“It’s okay,” I said with a laugh. “I won’t do anything crazy, promise. I already dyed my hair again,” I joked.

She nodded, like she was trying to convince herself that everything would be fine. She must’ve been really nervous for her interview or something. She was never the best with nerves– she used to barf before every competition and ice show she skated in.

“I just have this weird feeling.” She shook her head, trying to dismiss it.

I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Everything will be fine,” I assured her. “Just focus on the interview.”

Dad honked his car horn again and she rolled her eyes.

We said our goodbyes, and I went to my room to pack an overnight bag. I simply grabbed the pile of clothes on my chair and dumped them into a duffle bag. I needed to wash them anyway and dad had a better washer and dryer than the one we had here at the apartment.


I didn’t have to wonder what Duke thought about my retaliation for much longer. He made his presence known by pounding on my dad’s front door about an hour after we got there.

My stomach churned angrily with nervous energy as I walked toward the front door. Beau followed on my heels, excitedly barking. “Traitor,” I mumbled down to him.

I looked through the little peep hole to see him standing there in the same sweatpants he had on last night with sunglasses and a hat turned backwards on. He usually had great posture that made him look confident and athletic, but the way he was currently slumped over his crutches told me he was probably hungover. I internally slapped myself over thinking that he still somehow managed to look good.

“C’mon Claire, I can see your car in the driveway. I know you’re here!” he called out. “And I can hearmydog!”

His voice didn’t necessarily sound angry… just tired. I twisted my lips in hesitation. Then reached to throw the door open.

I leaned against the oak door frame, trying to look nonchalant and like I didn’t have a care in the world… A little voice in my head argued,well, you already showed you cared by stealing his dog, dummy,but I ignored that. “What do you want?” I demanded in a cold voice.

He looked at me like I had finally cracked. “What do you meanwhat do I want, Claire? You stole my dog,” he said, taking his sunglasses off and pointing them at Beau.

Sensing that he was addressed, Beau ran up to him and snuggled his legs like he missed him oh so much. Duke leaned forward and gave him belly pets. I rolled my eyes at their dramatics. Beau was totally happy here with me until he showed up.

When Duke stood back up, he kept his eyes trained on Beau and his adam’s apple bobbed up and down like he was swallowing down nerves… or maybe pride. “I just want to say that last night was a complete miscommunication. However, in my defense, I did say that I wouldmaybesee you at–”

“Oh my God,” I threw my hands up in annoyance. Of course he couldn’t just take the blame and say sorry.

“Claire, I–” He stopped and blinked a couple times at me, taking in my newly dyed black hair. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. His lips pressed together into a deep frown.

“You did this because of me, huh?” he asked, but it wasn’t a question. It was a statement. He already knew that’s why I did it.

I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked up at him.

His eyes flashed, but I just lifted my chin in defiance, waiting for him to challenge me.

He snorted and shook his head. I thought he was going to turn and walk away, but he surprised me by pushing past me into the house.
