Page 18 of Explicit Demands

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It didn’t take long for her body to start reacting. Finally, she was starting to feel something. Her legs kept twitching as he licked and sucked at her, clearly shocked at his pussy eating skills. It didn’t take her stomach long to start clenching.

Kate had soon forgotten about all of her complaints. With Gerard’s mouth around her pussy, there was nothing in the world that could have distracted her.

As he drove her ever closer to orgasm, she grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged on it, her clenching legs wrapped around his shoulders. She couldn’t help herself. Her whole body was taken over with heat and sweat as he continued to work on her.

Kate bucked her hips, pressing Gerard’s lips against her clit harder. The pleasure was almost too much for her as she ground her body against his face, biting down on her lip to stop her from screaming.

The sweat was streaming off her body and strands of Gerard’s hair were breaking off in her fingers. Kate didn’t care, though. She held onto him tightly as hot, electric waves rolled through her limbs.

She was close. She could feel it. She’d lost control of her muscles as they tensed up, twitching and jerking around Gerard’s body. Her stomach was burning, turning her whole body unbearably hot.

And then a sharp, loudoh!broke out of Kate’s mouth. A long, heavy sigh followed. Her bottom lip quivered as her whole body started to tense and release, shaking all the way down to her very core.

Too weak to hold onto his head anymore, Kate let go of Gerard’s hair and let her hands fall down to her sides. Her whole body was shaking as she lay there, her eyes staring up to the ceiling with a wide smile on her lips.

Gerard came up beside her, a light shine on his lips. “Are you satisfied?”

Kate could only nod in reply. Her breaths were rushed and ragged and there was no way she was going to be able to talk for another ten minutes or so. The only thing she could do is stay there, on her back, feeling the warm, happy tingles running through her veins.

Chapter eight

Take control

WhenKateopenedhereyes, she was surprised to see sunlight beaming into her hotel room. She sat up in her bed and heard the sound of sheets rustling around her. Looking down, she saw that she was tucked into bed.

As far as Kate remembered, she didn’t get into bed last night. She’d been on her back, naked on the bed, and she’d just closed her eyes for a moment.

Kate turned to her right, looking at the other side of the bed, and she saw Gerard’s naked, smooth back. Of course, the romantic gentleman had helped her into bed and spent the night beside her.

As much as Kate wanted to roll her eyes and tut at his behavior, she couldn’t help but be thankful. If she’d stayed naked above the covers, she would have woken up in the middle of the night freezing cold and pissed off. At least she’d gotten a good night’s sleep, even if they did share a bed reluctantly.

It’s no big deal, Kate told herself as she pushed the covers off her legs.He satisfied me last night. The least I could do is let him stay the night. Besides, this isn’t my house. This is a god damn hotel.

Memories of the previous night washed over Kate, sending shivers down her spine. The night had been a bust at first, but somehow Gerard had managed to win her over with his excellent tongue.

Kate didn’t usually like to sleep with a man more than one night in a row, but for those kinds of orgasms, she wouldn’t mind giving it another shot. However, she’d definitely have to take control this time.

As she got up out of the bed, she tried to remember if she’d brought handcuffs with her. While it was always good to be prepared—and Kate usually was—she didn’t think she’d thoughtthatfar ahead.

Shame, she thought.That would be a perfect way to get him to relinquish control.

Kate found a bathrobe in the bathroom and wrapped it around her body. She was comfortable being naked but it was damn cold. The air conditioning didn’t have a temperature control on it, so there was no way she could bump it up a couple of degrees. A bathrobe would have to do.

As she made her way over to the desk, where her laptop bag was placed, she looked over to Gerard. He was still fast asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly.

She was torn. On the one hand, she didn’t want to just dismiss a man because his ego was a little inflated. On the other hand, she knew that no good could come from giving him a second chance. He’d already pleased her well enough. What more could he give? He wasn’t going to change his ways just for a quick fuck.

Kate tried to push her thoughts away as she pulled her laptop out of the bag and began to set it up. She was on vacation, cut off from the rest of the world, but that didn’t mean she was barred from also checking her emails.

Nothing could have stopped her. Checking her emails was the only way she was going to be able to keep up with the company. She didn’t want to go back to work and find out she was completely behind everything. Knowing the ins and outs of what was going on was the only way she was going to protect her job.

As she waited for her laptop to boot, she sorted the tangled charger cable and plugged it into the wall, and leaned back in the wicker chair. Her laptop was a couple of years old and was overloaded with crap. It always took a lifetime to load everything.

Kate could have bought her own work laptop easily, but she didn’t want to bother. Besides, her job seemed to be on the line these days, and if she got fired she’d have to hand over the work laptop, even if she bought it.

There was no way she was going to spend a load of money for a fancy machine only to have it taken away. And Kate had a funny feeling that it would happen since her bosses hated her so damn much. Not only did they hate her, but they were more sexist than anyone else she’d met in her life.

Before she had a chance to go down the rabbit hole in her own mind, her laptop booted up, revealing her plain blue desktop background. Kate lunged forward and immediately loaded up her email client, hoping that her laptop would be able to connect to the hotel’s internet.
