Page 30 of Explicit Demands

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“Yes?” Kate asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Can I take you to dinner later?” Marcus asked, completely ignorant of her anger. “Outside of the hotel? To a nice place. Maybe sushi?”

Kate sighed and looked down at her shoes, shaking her head slowly.

“Come on,” Marcus moaned. “You can’t just entice me in by fucking me then deny me your time.”

Kate looked up into his eyes, suddenly serious. “I absolutely can,” she snapped. “I don’t owe you anything.”

Marcus shifted his weight from foot to foot as he sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he said. “I just want to get to know you better.”

“Maybe I don’t,” Kate shrugged. “Maybe I just want to go upstairs, have a nap, and be left alone.”

Marcus’s face fell as he stared at her, digesting her words. He let go of her elbow and Kate took the opportunity to rush off. She wasn’t in the mood to be grabbed and pulled around.

When she got up into her hotel room, she locked the door behind her and put the safety chain across the door, just to be safe.

Only then did she allow herself to relax. Her shoulders slumped as she let her neck go loose. She leaned her head forward and rubbed the back of her neck, trying to knead out the stress from her muscles.

She made her way to the bed and perched on the edge, still trying to release the tension from her neck. While sitting there, she looked out the glass door to the little balcony outside her room.

It was dark out there with a breeze blowing through the trees surrounding the beach. She could barely see the sand or the waves, but she knew it was out there.

As she sat there, she wondered why all men were so crazy. She hadn’t been able to have carefree, emotionless sex so far on this trip. Back when she was younger, that was all men seemed to want. Now that she was older, it felt like men had changed their ways when she wasn’t paying attention.

It was true, she hadn’t been with someone in a very long time. She’d been so busy getting divorced from her husband, working hard in her career, and raising her daughter that she hadn’t had time to date.

Had all of the men just turned their backs on their slutty ways? Kate hoped not. She was counting on them to come through for her on this vacation. That was what she needed the most—lots of lovers before she had to go back to the daily grind of her old life.

Kate didn’t want to sit and ruminate on it any longer. She curled up in the middle of her huge bed and closed her eyes, wishing for sleep. She tossed and turned for a while, unable to stop her mind from turning.

All she could think about was her ex-husband. He’d been an absolute ass to her. He’d turned his back on their family and left them to fend for themselves.

It wasn’t surprising that Kate had issues after that. Why would she want to get close to another man when they treated her like that? No, it was easier to use and abuse them, and then set them free into the wild.

That wasn’t working for her, though. No matter what she did, the men came running after her like lost puppies. Their eyes were all big and round as they begged her toplease, please miss, please keep me for yourself.

Kate was almost disgusted by their behavior. It was pathetic and it certainly wasn’t sexy. As soon as men turned into those soft, sappy masses, Kate knew it was her time to leave.

Before this vacation, she hadn’t had time to have a man in her life. Now that she had time, she wondered if it was all it was cracked up to be. All those years she spent without a man between her legs. It hadn’t been so bad, and she hadn’t had to deal with all of this drama.

Then it dawned on her. For twelve years, she hadn’t had sex. Kate sat up in her bed, staring at nothing in particular, as she did the math.

Was it really twelve years?Kate thought.

She got up from the bed and began to pace as she counted. There had been dates, dancing, and dinners. But none of them had gone any further. She’d always come home alone to her big house.

Kate let her hand come up to her lips, picking at the cracked skin there, as she continued to worry about the fact that she had spent a huge portion of her life without a good dicking.

This was unbelievable to her. She’d never calculated how long it had been or realized how much of life she’d been missing out on. Sure, these men that she had chosen on vacation, they weren’t the best of the best, but she knew there were men out there just like her. They existed. She just had to find them.

Kate knew that she couldn’t stay in her hotel room tonight. She had to make up for all that lost time. She’d had orgasms, sure. She’d watched her fair share of porn and used her dildos and vibrators to please herself, but was it the same as having a living, breathing body between her legs?

No, was the only word going through her mind. No, it wasn’t the same. No, it wasn’t good enough. No, she wasn’t going to stay in this hotel room all night and waste the precious time she had left.

She needed to make the most of this vacation and lazing around wasn’t the way to do it. Kate rushed to the dresser and began to search through it, looking for something sexy for her to wear.

When she’d roamed the streets outside the hotel, she’d seen so many different bars and clubs and cafes. One of them had to be open. One of them had to have enough men in there to whet her appetite.
