Page 81 of Soul Bound

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Everyone stood as Aaron made his way around the table to his seat. “Good afternoon,” Aaron said, waving a hand to indicate they should sit.

Once everyone was settled, Aaron looked at his cousin. Harlan raised his chin defiantly, and Aaron gave an internal sigh. He’d hoped this was going to be a quick meeting with Harlan apologizing for wasting Assembly and Pack time, Aaron punishing him by way of a few hours community service to remind him about being part of a Pack, and everything filed away. But from the look on Harlan’s face, this was going to get messy.

Next to him, Josh cleared his throat, and Aaron gave a small nod, his gaze never leaving Harlan’s.

“This meeting today is being recorded and stands as an official disciplinary hearing for one Harlan Malcolm Smith, member of the West Mill Pack. In attendance is Mr. Harlan Smith, his attorney, Mr. Robert Jones. Representatives of the Supernatural Assembly are Secretary Fuller, legal counsel Ms. Candace Feathermoon, and personal protection detail Mr. Beau Haliday. For the West Mill Pack, we have Alpha Aaron West, legal counsel and Pack Beta Joshua West, Elder Vaughn West, Elder Donovan Markham, Elder Lee Carlyle, and head of West Mill security, Mr. Rafe D’Eath.”

At the mention of Rafe’s name, Robert Jones paled and glanced at his client. Harlan either chose to ignore or didn’t see the response, his focus still wholly on Aaron.

“Thank you, Josh,” Aaron said. “Harlan, you are here today because you deliberately tried to undermine the name and good standing of the West Mill pack. As not only a member of the Pack, but also a member of the family, this transgression cannot be ignored. Please explain your reasons for what you did?”

Harlan sat with a mutinous glare; his thin lips twisted in disgust. At what, Aaron didn’t know. Jones nudged his client with his elbow.

“My actions were for the good of the Pack, and I refuse to accept that I did anything wrong,” Harlan blurted out.

“So, you do not deny that you reported to the Supernatural Assembly that the West Mill Pack was in danger of collapsing because of the poor leadership and health of the Alpha?” Josh asked.

“And it still is,” Harlan said, a dull angry flush rising up his neck.

“My health issues have been resolved with the sealing of theanima vinculumwith my mate. Something the Assembly is aware of,“ Aaron responded. “Can you give examples of the poor leadership you’re accusing me of?”

“Your inability to shift for the better part of a year. How can you effectively lead if you and your wolf can’t connect with the pack on all levels?”

“This, again, was linked to the incomplete soul bond—which I wish to remind you—I was not aware of having until I met Marshall. Now we have bonded, my wolf and I are back in sync, and I can shift at a moment’s notice.”

“Yes, but during that time, you were vulnerable to attack, and as a result, the pack was left vulnerable.”

Aaron waved a hand towards where Rafe stood just behind his chair. “With the security detail I have? No, I was not vulnerable to attack. One of the D’Eath twins was with me at all times, fully backed up by an extensively trained enforcer squad.” He gave his cousin a cool glance. “And even now, when I am back to full health, I will still always have one of them with me. I take my safety and the safety of this pack seriously and would do nothing to jeopardize that.”

Harlan’s jaw clenched at the words, and anger and frustration rolled off him.

“What else do you feel Alpha West has done poorly in his leadership of the Pack?” Counsellor Feathermoon asked, her melodic voice sending a wave of calm through the room.

“He lets anyone join,” Harlan harrumphed. “A pack is supposed to be wolf shifters, not a mishmash of species.”

Stunned silence greeted Harlan’s announcement. Aaron and Josh looked at each other in shock. They’d dismissed his comments from the previous meeting as the result of Harlan’s frustration and pettiness, not actually bigotry.

“No, a pack is family, whether by blood or choice. It doesn’t matter what their species is. If they are of moral character, they are welcome here at West Mill.”

“Moral character?” Harlan spluttered. “How can you trust ahumanto be of good character? They are weak and bring nothing to a pack. They offer nothing in the way of strength or skills.“ He gave a short laugh. “I mean, of course, they are good for those menial jobs, but anything above that is out of the question.”

The sneer in Harlan’s voice had Aaron’s wolf growling, and around him, he could feel the tension rising. Harlan seemed oblivious to what he was unleashing with his words. Even his own legal representative pushed his chair back and leaned away from his client.

“And now,” Harlan continued, leaning towards Aaron, “you’ve mated with one. A human.” He turned to Secretary Fuller. “How can you let the Alpha of one of the most influential packs in the country be led by a man who has mated with a human? We’re going to be the laughingstock of the supernatural world. A human Alpha-Mate? It’s disgusting, and I formally request that Alpha West stands down from his duties and a petition raised to have him and his mate banished from the Pack.”

Aaron’s wolf flashed to the surface so quickly that it was only Rafe’s finely tuned reflexes that stopped Aaron from ripping out Harlan’s throat. He pulled against the powerful arms that were banded around his chest. His brother gripped the scruff of his neck, whispering calming words in his ear. Not that he could make them out over the rush of blood pounding through his veins.

“Request denied.” Secretary Fuller’s voice rang stridently through the room.

“Denied?” Harlan gasped. “How can you deny me when proof of his instability is right there in front of you?” he said, gesturing at a snarling Aaron. “This man is not fit to lead this Pack. He can’t even control his wolf over a few comments about the measly human who is his mate.”

“You dare to insult an Alpha’s mate? Do you not understand the concept of a fated mate bond?” All eyes snapped to Robert Jones. “You withheld information from me, Mr. Smith. You did not explain that your hearing was due to unsubstantiated accusations. As a result, I have no recourse except to excuse myself from these proceedings. I, and my firm, will no longer be representing you in this or any future matters.” Jones stood and gave a formal nod to the Assembly members and the Pack Elders before facing Aaron. “Alpha West, I am sorry that you have had to face the accusations made by my former client. If at any time you require legal counsel, please do not hesitate to get in touch with my firm. Your brother has my details.”

“What? No! You can’t leave. I forbid it. I have paid for your services, and you’ll fulfill your contract,” Harlan raged.

“We will reimburse all monies to your account, Mr. Smith,” Jones replied tersely before picking up his briefcase.

A scream of rage erupted from Harlan and from his jacket pocket, he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Jones. “Take another step, and I will shoot you. Get back in this seat and help me get this matter sorted.”

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