Page 15 of Butterfly Effect

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“So, I came up with a get-to-know-you sheet for fun.” I hear her sit down next to me. I’m not totally gone, but I am in a trance I can’t break out of.

“Question one, how would you describe yourself?” Aly is all business, but her voice sounds happy, can’t be a good thing.

She waits, and I nod as she reads the following possible answers.

“A. An insecure guy with shallow beliefs in his bloodstream. B. A washed up national swimming championship with a bruised ego. C. Sometimes has a soul, but wait what is this a receipt from the devil himself? A trade for the soul in question for a Greek god body and conceited tendencies. Or D All of the above?” Aly’s voice isn’t translating to my brain waves; whatever she said I know is probably rude and vile, but I don’t remember the options.

“All of the above.” The window hasn’t been cleaned in a while; there is hard water from the sprinkler system covering the bottom half.

“Good, I thought so.” Alyeska sounds pleased and then a silence passes between us. “Lad, are you okay?”

“Yeah, hey, are there more questions I need to answer? Would it be cool if I took it with me and filled it out later?” I am already standing up, needing space from existence and isolation.

“Sure, go wild.” Alaska gives me an annoyed glance before sliding the paper to me.

“Great.” I snatch it up and head out. Halfway to the pool I run into Rush who grabs the paper out of my hand.

“Wow, she really doesn’t like you, man. What did you do, forget to call her after you smashed?” Rush’s eyes are reading the questions, but I have better things on my mind.

“Doubtful, since I still have my dick attached.”

“Number four, what night did you lose your virginity?” Rush scans over the snarky responses. “I thought you two haven’t fucked?”

“We didn’t, we haven’t. Not yet at least.” I smirk at the thought of making her orgasm and her hating me more for making her feel good.

“If you say so. Let’s hit the pool.” Rush slams the paper back into my chest and we race off to get bad things off my mind.

The next day doesn’t seem to go better, because our usual banter isn’t making things better; in fact, I believe I made them terribly worse.

Alaska comes in sweaty; sure, it’s Arizona, but she looks like she ran a few miles in Death Valley with a winter coat on.

“Whoa, did they make you ride on the top of the bus this morning?” I sniff in her direction. “That is a very strong smell you are letting waft in the air.”

No response, not even a flinch. Shit, did I find the one thing this woman is insecure about? No way, if Alaska has weaknesses, I would have found them by now.

“Alaska. Alaska. Alaska. Alaska. Alaska.” I even poke her with a pen.

Five minutes goes by, and I think I hear a weird noise that sounds a lot like a whimper. But it couldn’t be, because Alaska is made of stone and any water would damage her tan temple.

“Shit.” The next thing I know, Alaska is springing out of her seat, dragging her backpack behind her, and making a lot of noise on her way to flee the classroom.

The worst part is, I feel like it might have been my fault. Well, I didn’t help whatever is happening. Fuck, I better go figure it out.

I excuse myself, grab my stuff, and follow the woman outside. She isn’t in the halls, but I find the closest bathroom and there Alaska is. I’ve always been lucky.

“Hey, are you okay?” I drop my bag and lean against the wall as Alaska grips the sink on both sides, staring at her reflection.

“Get the fuck out of here.” But there is no heat. She seems too exhausted for battle.

“Okay, this time, say it like you mean it, babe.” I reach for a paper towel and get it wet, the cold water dripping off my fingers as I reach up and press it against her cheeks.

Alaska flinches and holds still until she trusts me for a few more seconds. Her dark eyes close as I tap the wet cloth on her forehead and wipe away her makeup that is smeared.

“Want to tell me what happened?” I turn the water back on and let it soak before touching Alaska’s skin. This time, I dab her neck, watching as one drop travels down her chest.

“You have it so lucky.” She grits it through her teeth, still glaring at the mirror.

“Do I?” I continue the map of her skin, cooling off the anger boiling in her body.
