Page 38 of Butterfly Effect

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“Yes, of course no one in their right mind would laugh about traumatizing events for children to go through.” I drop it and pick up my fork, but then I think better of it. “And another thing, Julian lucked out when he hooked up with my cousin. She is the smartest person I know; she has three jobs; did you know that? So, when you all whisper behind our backs after we leave, remember this. Bambi has her CNA certification, she is a paralegal, and she has a cosmetologist license. She didn’t do that for your son, or to impress you. Bam did that to give her daughters a life we certainly didn’t have growing up. She is the best fucking mother on the planet. You should be so lucky to even consider her being part of your family. Because where I am sitting, it isn’t anything to be respected or honored.” There is a snarl in my statement.

“Thank you, Aly.” Bambi, her words are sincere as she touches my hand, and I guess in my speech I stood up and I take back my seat as the mood is obviously ruined.

“I should go, should I go?” Bambi gives me a nod to escape. “Been a pleasure, congratulations again. See you later.” I kiss my cousin on her cheek and wave off the others.

Bambi can handle herself; she was always the stronger one.

I grab my jacket and get outside. I think I will call a car, but I have a better plan, since I don’t want to go home.

“Come get me, I was having dinner with a few pricks and said some things they didn’t agree with.” I hold the phone against my ear and start walking down the gated driveway.

“Are they rich pricks or regular pricks? Because I don’t know where the regular people live. But the other kind are my neighbors.” Lad takes my words and finds use for them.

“Hilarious, can you zoom over here on your magic carpet?” I hold my arm up with my other hand.

“So, I take it you’ve forgiven me and no longer hate me for being a bastard to you last week?” Lad is dragging this out.

“On second thought, it’s a nice night. Maybe I will walk home.” I would never walk home alone, it’s scary. Not to mention, we are close to the city, famed for the second highest kidnappings in the world.

“Cool your guns, Aly, where you at?” I hear the jingle of his keys.

I’m right here, obviously, but he can’t see me.

“The governor’s house. Haven’t you been here before? Don’t the two of you get together, and talk about world domination, while laughing about those less fortunate than you?” I smile, happy someone can dish out remarks almost as good as me.

“We don’t laugh about it; we scrapbook national disaster news clippings and especially like it when the death toll is high. Those pages we use sparkles on and puffy stickers.” Lad’s steps take him to his truck.

“My cousin’s husband had a family gathering and I made a scene.” It’s a small admission.

“What happened?” Lad laughs, knowing how I can be.

“Sometimes, I can ignore how different people’s lives are. But other times, I don’t give a damn if they can’t find empathy in their fucking bones to have the decency to care about something other than their own fucking lives.” A little anger escaped with my words.

“Did they say something to you, Aly?” There is tension in hie voice, his words on defense.

“Nothing I can’t handle, pretty boy. Are you coming, or am I walking?” I sit on the huge boulder they have on their lawn for decoration.

“I’m coming, but Rush and a few people wanted to head out on the lake tonight. I have the boat attached to my truck; do you want to come with?” Lad has the decency to ask, how sweet.

“You have a boat?” Why am I even surprised? He probably got it from a sponsor or from selling his used speedos on the Internet.

“Yeah, don’t you?” Snorting his snobbish ways.

“I don’t know how to swim.” I say it in such a baby voice, I am sure Lad thinks I am trying to get out of hanging with him.

“Well, that sucks, baby. I am sure you can totally pull off a bright orange life jacket. I believe I have one just in your size.” I see his headlights approach and I jump in front of the truck to stop.

“Stop calling me, baby. Could make a girl confused,” I say as I walk around to the door.

“About what?” He pushes open the passenger door for me to hop in.

“About your feelings for her. Unless it is a psychological war tactic, to make me think you like me then betray me. Because if it is, I approve.” Lad gives me a hand to pull me up in the cab.

“Always knew you were freaky.” He gives me a wink and goes through the roundabout to leave. “So, you want to come slum it with some swimmers and their girls?”

“I don’t have a swimsuit.” Stretching the fabric to reach above my knee.

“Perfect.” Lad cocks a grin and I swear I don’t even want to smack him. I think something far worse; I want to kiss him.
