Page 44 of Butterfly Effect

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At least we can agree on one thing if we are going to be living together.

Chapter 11


“So,you’renotdying?”Bambi said this as she helped me pack the few items from her house.


“Then why are you agreeing to live with a man you have always hated?” My cousin is as suspicious as I feel about the situation. I don’t know if I can fully trust or put 100% of my faith into Lad, but I am trying, because why not for once accept a hand when it is offered to you?

“I don’t know how to answer the question, Bam. I figured I should give you and Julian your space, since you are getting married. But also, maybe it will help me become more independent and figure my life out.” I grab her favorite sweater and shove it in the bag before she can claim it back.

“Fine, have it, have something to remember me by.” Bambi is feigning a broken heart.

“We only live an hour away, relax.” I throw a sock at her face.

“Then it will be every other weekend, and then soon only on holidays, and then when I am old and gray, I will think hey I wonder whatever happened to Alyeska, she used to be so sweet.” Bambi is holding onto my bag not wanting me to go.

“Bam, I will call you every day. Nothing will change, I promise.” Sometimes, Bam calls me on the toilet because she is bored.

“You say that now, but who am I supposed to talk to at my house if you aren’t here?” Bambi follows me down the hall to where Lad and Julian are chatting.

“Um, your kids, your soon-to-be husband?” But Bambi is throwing a fit.

“They don’t think I am funny like you do. My confidence is going to take a hit when no one laughs at my jokes and you will be blamed.” Julian goes over and hugs my cousin as she keeps her dramatics going.

“Ready?” Lad grabs the bag from my hands.

“If she goes missing, I promise you Aladden Lorenzo, I know how to make a body disappear and make it look like you committed treason.” Bambi is still warming up to Lad.

Lad laughs, but Julian and I don’t participate.

“Is she serious?” Lad asks, a little worried.

“It’s best we don’t find out, wouldn’t you agree?” I push him towards the door. “Okay, love you, bye.”

“What about Paris?” I stop. Bambi can’t help herself, but I am not much better.

“If he doesn’t have the balls to take you, I will escort you myself.” I turn reaching out my hand to her, making my chin tremble.

“What is happening right now?” Lad is amused and confused, while Julian is annoyed with our theatrics again.

“Just let them do it, it’s easier to explain when it’s over.” Julian takes a backseat to our performance.

“I’ll wait for you until you get out, no matter how long. If you have to serve twenty, I will be at the gate ready to greet you.” Bambi’s fingers touch mine as I get caught up in the moment.

“You need to move on, who knows how long I have left of my sentence.” I sniffle up a good act.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Julian grabs Bambi around the waist and takes her back inside.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find you, he can’t keep us apart,” I shout as the door closes. Then I turn around and find Lad wide-eyed at me.

“What?” Grabbing my bag and putting it in the truck.

“Nothing, it was interesting, and I don’t know any context, but it was intense, I felt it.” Lad is laughing now.

“Shut up, who doesn’t love movie quotes? My cousin and I used to be big fans ofPrison Break. So sometimes we pretend to be part of the show and make up lines and scenarios to go along with it.” I shrug at our strange quirks, a little embarrassed by it.
