Page 48 of Butterfly Effect

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“Hello!” I stammer back, clutching my senses.

“Oh, you must be Alyeska. I’m Rafe. Lad told me so much about you. Nothing more he talks about unless it is swimming.” Rafe smiles and puts out a hand. He has a tanner complexion than Lad, but they are so similar. I can definitely tell why there is revenge sex with ex-boyfriend’s dads.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I’m tired, Lad has been sick and I was just watching him, making sure he stayed hydrated.” Rafe’s eyes go to the stairs as I speak.

“I didn’t know he was sick.”

“It came on quick. We took him to the doctor last night and he’s been sleeping ever since.” I don’t know how much to tell him; I don’t think Lad wants his dad to know the real reason his sheets are damp with sweat.

“Mind if I go check on him?” Rafe asks, and I don’t understand why until it clicks.

“Oh, I don’t sleep with him. I mean, I don’t share a room with him. We have separate beds and rooms and showers. Especially showers and toilets. We don’t do everything together.” Dear lord, what the fuck is this shit coming out of my mouth? “I am so sorry, I must delirious.”

“Come on, why don’t you go get some rest and I will take over.” Rafe goes to the cupboard to make some tea, and I head downstairs to warn Lad.

“Your dad is here, Lad.” I touch his chest and at least he doesn’t have a fever.

“Huh? What time is it? Fuck, I missed practice.” Lad rolls onto his stomach, scrubbing a hand down his face.

There is no time to tell him I already got Rush to cover for him.

“Your dad is coming downstairs right now, Lad.” I whisper yell at him, and he squints at me.

“Don’t tell him, okay?” Lad holds my hand and I think the butterflies in my stomach are dropping bombs because this doesn’t seem like friendly fire.

“Take your pills before he comes down and I’ll keep them in my room.” I grab a couple and hand them to him. He swallows them and guzzles the rest of another glass of water.

Then he lays his head back down.

“Yuck, I feel gross.” His hand sticks to his skin and I am sure it doesn’t taste any better at the moment.

“You look disgusting,” I add.

“Thanks, babe. Always keeping me humble.” Lad winks at me as his dad joins us.

I grab the pill bottle from the side of the bed. “Oh, those are mine, birth control pills.” I shake them, and Rafe blinks at me slowly. “Not that Lad and I are doing activities that are in need of controlling potential or possible births.”

“I see my son has overworked you. Why don’t you go take a nap and I will make sure our patient is recovering well.” Rafe offers me a cup of tea and I excuse myself.

I lean against the outside wall as they continue to talk.

“She is pretty, seems nice. Not at all the demon you portrayed her to be.” Rafe puts down the other cup of tea on the table.

“Sometimes angels look a lot like demons when you don’t want to hear the truth.” Lad’s voice is raw and rugged.

I take a sip of the tea; the warmth calms my body.

“Is Aly your girlfriend now?” I go still when I hear Rafe ask his son the question. Lad takes his time answering.

“If you ask her, the answer is no, but if you ask me, she never stood a chance, I was always going to fall for her.” Lad and Rafe chuckle, and I like the way they are. “Can you help me to the shower? But be warned I think I may have puked over a few surfaces in there so plug your nose.”

I hurry to my bedroom and close the door, knowing Lad and his dad will find the bathroom spotless. I wasn’t trying to be nice. I had to do something while Lad was tossing and turning all night.

The crawl into my own bed is soft and welcoming, I fall asleep to the sound of the shower.

“Babe?” Lad’s voice calls from the basement.

I am sitting on the countertop in the kitchen in an oversized shirt, eating a bowl of cereal. It’s been two days, and every day I see the light come back into his eyes and his body recover.
