Page 50 of Butterfly Effect

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I lay on my back and float a while before practicing my freestyle. I work on my breath work and visualizations. Been imagining how good Alyeska would look with those dark eyes glaring up at me while she swallows my dick.

After practice, I grab Aly and myself chicken burgers for lunch. I find her under a tree, and today isn’t too hot, but the shade is needed.

“Thank you,” Aly says as I hand her the sandwich. Rush and the guys stop and say hi, but then pass to go to the dining hall to find their own food.

“Why are you taking off the onions and lettuce?” I take a bite and chew, watching her dissect her meal.

“I don’t like them.”

I open my buns and she places them on for extra crunch.

“Then why didn’t you ask for without them?”

“I didn’t want to be an inconvenience.” She seems grateful for any food I give her, not wanting to cause any problems.

“Be an inconvenience, Aly. I don’t give a fuck if you want that chicken diced and fried three times; whatever the hell you want say it, baby, and I will make it happen.” My girl laughs but leans in and gives me a kiss.

“What are we doing tonight? Bambi wants to hang out tomorrow, so she demanded I tell you I am off limits from ten in the morning to ten at night.” Aly is shy about being claimed, being wanted. Having her time consumed with a needy boyfriend; I am too happy to claim the title.

“So how would you like a front row seat to me practicing tonight? I promise I will wear the banana hammock you like and I might even throw in snacks.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, hoping to convince her.

“Okay, but maybe I can bring my swimsuit and you can show me the basics of surviving in water.”

“I am so down with the idea of seeing you in a bikini. But I have to practice first, because it is terribly hard to swim when I have an erection.” I finish off my sandwich as Aly shakes her head.

“When do you not think about sex?” I can feel an eye roll in the sentence somewhere.

“Seriously, what is the longest you’ve gone without thinking about sex? You aren’t much better. If I remember correctly, you needed some extra helpings this morning before I left for practice.” I tickle her sides and she nearly squeals.

“No tickling, and I will tell you, I think of sex a lot more, now that we do it more often.”

I bring her face close to mine and kiss her.

“All I can ask for is honesty, baby.”

“If I get good enough at swimming, are you going to feel bad about yourself, because you will be in second place all the time?” Awe, my girl loves to keep me in line.

“Sweetie, not even you could catch me.” I smack a smooch on her cheek and head to my next class. Tonight, cannot come soon enough. Somehow, I doubt I will get much swimming practice done, but other physical practice can be predicted.

“Oh my gosh, I think I am getting the hang of this, I am doing so good. Lad, look at me treading water.” Making note of all the splashing and bubbles she is creating in the water, my best guess is she is very wrong.

“It’s the worst I have ever seen.” I didn’t know someone could be this bad without drowning. It’s like she is trying to fight the liquid.

I don’t think I have seen someone the water doesn’t like and I have never been more wrong.

“You are wasting so much energy. I’m exhausted even watching you.” I am glad no one else is in here to see how bad she is at swimming. “Float on your back, for a minute.” I reach over and she whips her arms, trying to get on her back.

“Fuck!” Aly is struggling.

“Relax, stop fighting.” I press on her lower back to lift up her body.

“Oh shit, I am going to tip over backwards.” Of course she is not, but still holds onto me and then flops over to her stomach, sinking her under.

I grab her by the waist and put her next to the wall.

“Maybe sit on the edge of the pool while I go do laps?” Her swimming abilities are going to be a whole other battle.

“I was doing fine until you let go of me and dunked me.” Aly pulls herself up, sitting on the edge kicking water in my face.
