Page 52 of Butterfly Effect

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“Oh shit, are we going to get caught and kicked out?” Aly goes under water and then pops back up.

“No, they don’t actually watch them, I don’t think. But I still don’t want to chance it.” I lift up and open her purse; her wallet drops, and she giggles telling me to hurry.

A picture of her mom falls out and I pick it up quick before putting it back in the bag. The woman’s face brings me back to a night I would rather forget.

“Did you get it?” Aly whispers as I snag the condom and leave the past thoughts behind me.

I jump back in the pool and shimmy off my speedo. Tear the package open with my teeth, while Aly strokes me, fisting me as I situate the condom onto my dick,

Aly faces the wall and I am glad because I don’t want the images of her face in the car accident to be on my brain right now.

I scoot in behind her and she spreads. My hard dick dives into her, and hell is too sweet not to come back. My hips slam against her butt. I reach around and rub her clit as I thrust inside her.

“Aladden.” Aly drops her head back to my shoulder and I suck on her neck. Going faster, as I want to erase any pain I caused her, the worst kinds of all, the ones she doesn’t know about yet.

I drive into her until her core spasms and she is praising my name. My hand reaches to steady myself as I wrap a hand on the base of her throat. I finish my fucking journey and Aly moans the only name worth repeating when my dick is inside her.

If anything, I am more keyed up than calmed down. I am careful with the condom and tie it off. I dive down and grab Aly’s swimsuit bottoms and tie them around her.

“I am going to start my laps.” The clock on the wall says after midnight. But I have to get this in and get this anxious energy out of my body.

“I am going to rest on the bench and let my body sink into the high of my orgasm. You’ve outdone yourself, Lad. And they only thought the genie had superpowers.” Aly grabs the condom and kisses me. She gets out of the pool and throws away the evidence before lying down.

From here she looks relaxed. She can’t sense the anger I feel, it will never end. Not until my conscience is cleared. But I don’t know how to even bring it up, because I think it might destroy us before we even begin.

Pull my goggles over my eyes and I count each lap, hoping it makes me feel better about myself, but it doesn’t. We go home exhausted, and I have dreams of holding hands with a broken girl and a dead woman.

Chapter 13


Myeyesaredanglingin despair. The car is on its side, tucked into the road rash of country ditch. Everything is quiet, waiting with bated breath for the next scene to start. I can’t say I’m not trembling for a finale. We’ve waited too long to see the distance from the start to a blurred ending.

But when I turn my head to my mother in the passenger seat, I know I was always too late to save her from herself. I don’t dare call out to her, I don’t utter a cry. Because even before her body gave up, her mind and spirit passed away a long time ago.

Something is wrong with my leg, something warm on my face. I am anything but scared or angry; I am relieved, I am at peace. There isn’t an ounce of regret left in me. There couldn’t be at this point. It was a rough road, now stop signs seemed like a divided path.

We were going somewhere, but not together.

I can hear another car outside of my own. My head tilts against the window and it doesn’t hurt to breathe anymore. My lungs relax, my chest isn’t constricted with the duty to convince my mom to keep living.

My eyelids are dragging down and I tell myself, only for a few minutes will I sleep. When I wake up, things will be better, the worse has come and finally passed. In the midst of the struggle, I don’t check her breath. I knew as I lifted her body into the car she had already faded into another world, a different timeline, far from the one she brought me into.

It’s my name on someone’s lips, a question maybe, and I want to tell them it’s okay, they don’t need to worry. But my hand is hot, my vision blurred, and the strength among the passengers in the car is dwindling.

“Mom.” Finally, I call out, one last time, knowing I won’t get a response, knowing I can’t reach her. It isn’t a big disappointment. I couldn’t reach her in this realm either.

But this time, her eyes open, they are wide, staring right at me and I jump back, scared she still is suffering.

“Aly? Aly!” Lad is holding me down, and when I find his eyes, I hate myself more for seeing the worry in his gaze. He always needs to be the hero and I don’t ever want to play the victim. Not for him, not for anyone; my mother played victim for the both of us.

“I’m fine.” I push him away, my chest constrained by an invisible emotional weight. My hands shake, my fingers tremble for security.

“Aly, what happened?” Lad sits on my bed, and I twist my hand into a fist.

“Nothing.” My voice is calculated and calm. I use all the energy to calm my nerves instead of assuring Lad. I lay back down and turn to my side, away from him.

But he refuses to leave, and lays there on the side of my bed like it was always his to claim, the other half to my pair.
