Page 102 of Claimed Darker

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Chapter 33



“You finish your homework assignment?” I ask from the kitchen when Bridget’s back.

She drops her backpack near the sofa and looks at me quizzically.

“The one I gave you last night,” I remind her.

“That one,” she acknowledges. “I know I prefer the tawse. And what were the other choices?”

“Cage, stocks or pommel.”

I’ve been looking forward to getting her back into the club all day. Thinking about it has helped limit the amount of time I spend thinking about Manny. Like Marshall said, it had to be done. I owe JD for it, though he was probably happy to pull the trigger. He also did Tran. Today, Travis and Marshall found the gunman, a PSB member, and took care of him. No one messes with the Jing San and gets away with it.

“What are the pros and cons of these options?” Bridget asks.

“Just choose one,” I say as I walk over to her. “This isn’t some quiz. There’s no right or wrong answer.”

“There could be.”

“I can always choose for you.”

“No! Um…pommel.”

“The pommel and tawse are a very good pairing.”

She raises a brow. “So I take it your hangover’s gone?”

I grin. “Just in time for you, Bridge.”

“What about your arm and shoulder? Are you sure you’re up for this level of activity? The doctor said you’re supposed to take it easy.”

“One working arm is all I need. So let’s get you naked and down to the club.”

She balks. “I’m not walking through the club naked.”

“It’s closed. No one’s there.”

Marshall did have either himself or one of the other security team members doing guard duty downstairs, but since all the parties responsible for the shooting have been disposed of, I insisted he give himself the night off.

“What if Cheryl decides to come in?” Bridget asks.

“I told you the club’s closed.”

“What if she left something in the office and came back to retrieve it?”

“The longer you delay, the harder the tawse falls.”

She wrinkles her nose. “If there is someone, then…”

“Then what?”

She falters. “Then…then we’re done for the night. I’ll be too embarrassed to do anything.”

I cup her jaw and lift her chin. “You’re cute when you think you have a choice in the matter.”

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