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“Oh, okay.”

I don’t know what to do other than stand here, stunned. Do I put it back, or do I keep it? Bile is rising up my throat, and I swallow it down as I stare at the top, hoping for some answers.

“Did you find anything, sweetheart?” Marc’s voice booms behind me, and my shoulders drop.

Thank God.

“Oh! Hi, Gracie.”

“Hey,” I say with a relieved smile.

He leans in and kisses my cheek, and my eyes widen when I see Aria’s face. She doesn’t seem impressed. No, she seems furious. Taking a step back away from Marc, I try to give a little space.

What I did to deserve this type of ice? What happened to the girl I first met? What can I do to get her back?

“I like the shirt,” Marc says, but I don’t respond because I’m in my head.

“Gracie?” Marc says, his tone firmer.

“You think?” I ask, twirling the hanger around, the fabric moving with it.

“Definitely. You should get it.” He smiles, brushing my hair over my shoulder with the gentlest of touches.

And the panic from his daughter is melting away.

I take another peek over at her, and she still isn’t happy. So, I move my gaze and keep them focused on him.

“What are you doing?” I ask, taking in his white polo and gray pant look.

“I played golf with my brother this morning, and now I’m taking Aria shopping. She wanted to have a look around and grab some lunch. Care to join us?”

His innocence warms me, but I can’t do it.

Or should I just try again?

After looking into those deep brown eyes for too long, I get lost in them, and I say, “For lunch, sure.”

If she still can’t be nice to me after spending more time with me, I’m at a loss.

“Great. Once you grab that and you girls finish shopping here, let’s go.”

“I’m not done, Dad. I just got in here,” Aria moans.

“Okay, well, I’ll wait out front, and you two take your time.” And I panic at those words. I think he imagines us spending quality time together, but he doesn’t realize his daughter is attacking me every chance she gets.

I watch him turn and wish I could beg him to stay and save me, but I can do this. Pretend to act tough. Not let her win.

“Why would you come and ruin my time with him?” she sneers.

“Ah, I didn’t see it as that. Sorry, I wanted to spend more time with you both. We haven’t gotten to know each other much.”

I desperately want to fix this before I have to mention it to Marc. If I can fix it without him, that would be great, but it’s not looking like that at the moment. If I can’t figure out quickly how to turn this around, I’ll have to tell him. I can’t lie.

“I don’t want to get to know you.” She pouts.

“If that’s how you feel, I’m sorry. I can skip lunch. But how can I fix this?”

“Yes, you can tell him something came up and you have to leave unexpectedly. And there isn’t. I don’t like you—simple.” She shrugs, but the flicker of pain that flashes on her face briefly makes me think there is more to this.
