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“And your parents?”

“They live in California. My dad’s a university professor, and he got a great job at USC. I think they’ve been there about eight years now.”

Jack studied her with his head tilted to one side. “So… since I haven’t heard you mention them even once, does that mean you aren’t close?”

“Not even a little. Apparently, I was an accident.” They walked farther into the glittering hall, and Robin picked up two flutes of sparkling wine from a nearby table. “They tried to do the small-town-family-life thing while I was growing up, but their hearts weren’t in it. As soon as my dad got the job at USC, they jumped at the chance to take it.”

“But you didn’t wanna go with them?”

“I’d built my own family by then.”

Jack nodded pensively. “Right.”

Robin was familiar with how Jack’s mind worked at this point, so she knew he was piecing together that Matthew’s death wasn’t the first time she’d lost people she loved. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt abandoned—even though Matthew wouldn’t have done that if he’d had a choice in the matter. But hearing this new information seemed to give him a fresh take on her as a person, and she had a feeling it might be a good segue into talking to him about what had been on her mind before Holden had shown up.

“Hey, do you want to dance?” she asked.

“There you are!” Holly squealed, spinning Robin around by the shoulders and pulling her into a fierce hug. Then she pushed her back so she could look at Robin’s dress. “Okay, you are the hottest chick in this room by a mile. That dress is gorgeous!”

“I agree,” Jack said low in her ear.

Holly tossed a wry smile at him over Robin’s head. “You do? Who’d a thunk?”

Robin didn’t need to turn around to know that Jack was sticking his tongue out at his sister because Holly returned the gesture, as usual.

“You look beautiful too,” Robin said to Holly as Jack moved to stand beside her and loop an arm around her waist. “Did Nick pick out your dress again?”

Her friend blushed and looked down at the silver and gold mermaid-style dress. “Yep. I have to say, he would’ve come in handy when I was going to events in Hollywood all the time. He has better taste in ball gowns than some of my stylists.”

Jack chuckled and scratched his nose. “So weird.”

Robin angled toward him and shot him a glare. “Says the guy who wanted to sit in a dress shop and help me choose mine.”

“Yeah, and I bailed after the second dress I saw,” he replied, his eyes growing darker as he tugged on her waist, “and you know why.”

“Okay, well, I know when my presence is no longer needed,” Holly said quickly, wrinkling her nose at them. “See ya later, lovebirds.”

Robin watched her go with a shake of her head. “She’s too much.”

“Tell me about it. Now,” he said as he held out his hand, “how about that dance?”

Robin placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her through the well-dressed crowd toward the dance floor at the center of the room. But as they neared her boss, her heart sank, knowing they’d be delayed once again.

“Ah, Robin, Jack,” Andrew said, drawing them into the circle he formed with his wife and parents. “I’d like you to meet my folks.”

Robin had already known the police chief and his wife—small town and all—so they exchanged pleasantries, and then Andrew introduced Jack as Snow Hill’s newest officer.

She stood by and watched as he greeted the mayor’s parents and wife, marveling at how elegant and sociable he looked in that suit even though his vibe while in uniform was stern and commanding. Then at home, when they lounged together on his couch or hers and watched Christmas movies with Abby in their sweats, he was a constant joker who cycled between cheesy puns and dry wit.

It was funny to think that no matter what he wore, it was almost like his outfits were all uniforms, in a way. Or costumes for the role he was playing at the moment. And right now, she was really enjoying this suave James Bond character before her.

Perhaps he had this chameleon effect in common with his actress sister. Except with Jack, she knew these were all genuine pieces of who he was. They weren’t fake roles he was playing in a costume, but proof that he was comfortable in his own skin no matter where he was or who he was with.

It was something she’d known since the beginning, in some way, and it made her feel even safer with him to recognize it now. Like maybe no matter where they were or what they faced as a couple, she could trust that he’d command the space and take the lead, and she could finally relax and let someone else take the wheel after years of going it alone.

As Jack chatted with the former police chief about life at Snow Hill PD these days, Andrew pulled Robin aside. “Make sure you tell Nick he did an outstanding job on the ball this year. Mom and Dad are thrilled, and it’s making their visit even more special to see this event going off without a hitch.”

“I will, and I’m glad,” Robin replied.
