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“There must be some mistake…”

“No mistake. Miss Malone is currently residing in the family apartments with Kamal. The door to your right gives you access to her private sitting room and office area. These rooms are all for your personal use.”

PJ heard him but was still trying to take everything in. “God, I must be more tired than I realized. All I really want right now is a shower and a bed.”

Talib stepped behind her, laying his hands on her shoulders and guiding her through the room to the opulent bathroom beyond. Pushing her down to sit on the toilet, he started the bath water, checking the temperature and making adjustments.

“Talib, I am capable of taking my own shower.”

“I am aware of that. At the moment, however, you are dead on your feet. I did not see your luggage, so while you wash the sand from your very lovely person, I will go in search of something for you to wear to bed once you are done.”

PJ blushed as Talib let his gaze travel over her T-shirt, feeling her nipples harden and her breathing quicken. Talib abruptly turned from her, shutting off the water and then backing from the room. “Take a bath. I will knock when I return with a change of clothing.”

“Okay. My luggage is bright red, if that helps.”

Talib smiled at her. “That helps a lot. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

PJ began to strip, grimacing at the sand that fell from her clothing as each piece was removed. She sank into the bath, moaning in pleasure as the warm water soothed her sore muscles. She scrubbed her whole body with a luxurious body wash she found on the shelf beside the tub, then let her head slip beneath the surface and shampooed her hair. Once she was clean, she sat up to rest her head on the edge of the tub, trying hard not to think about how much sand would go down the drain when she pulled the plug. Closing her eyes, she relaxed for the first time in…well, she wasn’t sure how long.

Talib’s image filled her brain, and her hands drifted over her own body as she imagined what making love with him would be like. She remembered his kisses while on the back of the camel.

She was so lost in her daydream, she didn’t hear him knock, nor did she hear him open the bathroom door and step inside.



Talib grew concerned when she didn’t respond to his light knock, afraid she might have fallen asleep while still in the tub. He’d been gone a little longer than he’d promised, taking the time for a quick shower and a change of clothes for himself before returning to PJ.

Opening the door, he saw she was still immersed in the bath water, her eyes closed. Stepping closer, he discovered she wasn’t asleep, as he had initially thought. Her eyes were closed, but her face showed a myriad of emotions as her hands rubbed circles on first her stomach and then her luscious breasts.

God, she’s gorgeous!

When she uttered a soft moan, Talib discovered his self-control was gone. “PJ?”

PJ’s eyes snapped open, and her hands stilled, covering her breasts. “Hi! I didn’t hear you knock.”

“I see that. What were you thinking about?” Talib asked as he grabbed a large bath sheet from the cupboard and urged her to stand up and step from the tub. Seeing her blush, he quickly wrapped the towel around her body and then grabbed another towel to dry her hair with.

“You still haven’t answered me,habiba.”

PJ took a deep breath before answering. “I was thinking about you. About how it felt to have you kiss me. Hoping you will do it again.”

Talib wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest and holding her close for a while before pushing her back from him the slightest bit. “PJ…why won’t you tell me what your initials stand for?”

PJ simply shook her head and placed her hands on his shoulders so she could leverage herself up and take his mouth in a sweet and gentle kiss.

Talib’s thoughts fled as he gave himself over to her kiss, letting her control the intensity of the exchange only momentarily. When he felt her nibble on his lower lip, his control broke, and he ravaged her mouth.

He pulled her fully against him, turning them so that he could lift her to sit on the bathroom counter. Loosening the towel around her, he pushed himself between her thighs, never letting up his sensual assault on her mouth.




Talib could hear the question in her voice. Lifting his head from her own, he met her gaze and asked, “What is it?”
