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“Come on,” he says, rubbing my thigh, then squeezing it. He hops out of the truck, then comes around to the passenger side and helps me down.

He holds my hand as we go inside, a secret smile playing at the corners of his mouth. But the smile drops when we get to the section of the store where the condoms are, and there’s a solitary three-pack hanging on the hook.

“That’s a start,” he mutters, making me blush.

He grabs it, then loops his arm around my shoulders. “What else should we grab while we’re here? Snacks?”

So far, we’ve only had healthy meals, similar to what I’m served at home. I glance at the racks of potato chips. “What do you like?”

“I’m a Doritos guy myself. How about you?”

“I…” How do I put this?

He gives me a funny look. “Princess, when was the last time you had junk food?”

“A few years.” Is exaggeration or minimization the same thing as a lie? My tummy twists at adding another fib to the list of secrets I’m keeping from Justin, even though I know I don’t owe him any explanations.

“There’s a story there.”

“Not an interesting one!” My protest is sincere. Nothing about my life is interesting, or where I want to put my focus right now. It doesn’t compare to the unexpected joy I’ve found in Justin’s arms.

He kisses my temple. “Let me be the judge of that.”

From within the safety of his embrace, I peer at the rack of shiny bags. “You like Doritos?”

“And salt and vinegar…” He lists off three different types and then snags all of them when I don’t make a choice. “They’re all good.”

I’m grinning like an idiot as he pays for them. A little thrill goes through me when the condoms are rung up, although the cashier couldn’t care less.

Justin noticed my reaction, though. “You liked that?” he murmurs once we’re outside. “Daddy buying condoms so he can safely get inside your hot, sweet cunt?”

I likethateven more. “Mm-hmm.”

He opens the passenger side door to his truck, then spins me around in the protected space of the open door, his back blocking any curious eyes from seeing me. “Feel what you do to me.”

I glance down. An erection visibly presses against the front of his cargo pants.

“Touch it, Abby.”

I squeak and reach for the bulge. It’s hard and thick, too much to hold in one hand, and as I stroke him, it gets bigger still.

He groans at the contact. “We’re going to have to ration these condoms. Gonna spend a lot of time with my mouth between your thighs. Want you on your knees, too. Can you do that for me? Give me your hungry mouth so I don’t get you pregnant?”

I press my lips together and nod furiously, so close to letting the truth slip out.

But then the fun will end, and he’ll kick me out of the cabin. My feet have healed, and there’s a world of difference between playing at naughty games and asking someone to participate in a life-altering event.

Especially someone who has real responsibilities far away from my life in New York City. As far across the country as possible.

My heart aches, suddenly, and I’d rather drop to my knees here in the gravel parking lot than have to sit with this feeling a moment longer. “Daddy,” I breathe, knowing what the word does to him. Needing it for myself, too. Time to put this day back in the right context. He’s my mountain fling, nothing else. “I’ll give you anything you want.”

He cups my cheek, lifting my face so he can crush his mouth to mine. We wind each other up, then he lifts me into the truck and buckles my seatbelt for me. His fingers trail over my body as he carefully sets the straps just so, then he cups me between my legs, over my shorts.

“I want this,” he growls. “As soon as we’re back at the cabin.”

I’m still panting when he circles the truck and climbs into his own seat. The heated look he gives me before returning his hand to my thigh only makes my reaction more pronounced.

“What else haven’t you experienced because you were locked in a tower somewhere?”
