Page 11 of Wicked Sins

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“I will work my way through the organizations as I focus on finding my cousin’s and your father’s murderer.” Another gulp and my glass is empty. “I trust I’ll have your support when I need your paperwork?”

“I have little left. Our family home burned to the ground only a day ago.”

I know this already, but I wanted to see his reaction to it. Far too casual. As if it’s not fazed him, he lost everything.

“That’s tragic,” I tell him, leaning back, my one ankle resting on my opposite thigh.

“It was,” he says. His eyes land on the weapon in the holster. I know my jacket has opened enough to show him I’m armed, and I’m ready to take him out if need be.

“If you don’t get me the information I request, we’ll need to remove you, whatever your family has left from our books.”

The asshole’s eyes widen as he stutters in fear of losing the bar, along with a few hundred million. Much to Matteo’s and Gio’s amusement, who know exactly what would happen if he were to fuck this up.

“No, no, there’s no need to do that. I’ve got the documents my father held at his home office on file. We backed up everything last year to our online systems. They’re all secure. Take this.” He gestures to a small USB flash drive in his hand, which could never hold what I need.

He’s a little boy playing big boys games, and there’s only one thing that happens to assholes like that. They get bled out over the edge of a pier and dumped into the depths.

“Then this meeting is done, Andrea.” I watch him for a moment, then offer a smirk. “Gio, grab the damn thing. I have better things to do than sit here. If we need anything more…” I allow my words to taper off in warning.

As soon as my little brother rises, Andrea grips the USB, meeting my glare.

“I’ll have it ready.”

Before he has time to take a fucking breath between words, I’ve stood up and pulled my custom Glock from the holster hidden by my jacket. I point it at the fucker, unlocking the safety. Ice-cold fear flits across his face and I can’t help smirking. Pinning him with a glare, I demand, “This is not a fucking game, Mr. Lombardi. I suggest you remember I can end you. I can end everything you stand for, and I won’t even think twice about doing it.” The fiery bite in my tone is nothing short of commanding, and I’m sure the little boy has pissed himself because I stalk forward, holding the gun on him, aiming the short barrel between his dark eyes.

“I’d listen to Franco. He’s crazy, and he’s definitely not afraid of spilling blood.” Matteo steps forward. When I cast a quick glance at my brother, he’s got his blade out, swishing it back and forth between his fingers. He’s known for carving pieces of shit like this into works of art and if I let him loose right now, Mr. Lombardi will be ribbons of flesh in no time.

“Fine. Yes, anything you need. I’ll do anything you ask. I’m innocent in all this.” He watches me, but I don’t respond. Like fuck he’s innocent. There’s only one way he’ll gain my trust, and it won’t be in this life.

Shouldering my gun, I pick up the bottle of whisky and pour a double shot into the tumbler. As I lift the glass to my lips, Gio grabs the flash drive and I swallow the shot in one long gulp. “It was good doing business with you, Mr. Lombardi. I’ll see you soon.” With that, I turn on my heel and walk out of the lounge.

As soon as I get home, I’ll be scouring the information. I have two men working around the clock to get meetings with all my Captains. Once I’ve met with each one, those who’ve gone rogue will be dealt with.

I wonder if it’s time to make a call. Since Lucio’s demise, I’ve been putting it off. But I know it’s wrong of me to do so. I should’ve called him yesterday. When I get to my office, I’ll do it. I’ll have to call Luciano, Lucio’s older brother. The two of them used to be thick as thieves until the falling-out. I haven’t spoken to Luciano in years. Mainly because we hate each other.

Stepping into the bar, I find her behind the counter, wiping the smooth silver surface. Her hair is wavier now, almost curly. Those inquisitive eyes peek up as soon as I am near her. The pain in them is palpable. She’s lost far too much. And I’ll ensure she loses nothing else. A small, sad smile curls her perfect, plump lips. She’s enticing, a seductive tease. I wonder if she realizes how much power she wields with a simple smile.

“Raina, is it?” I question, tipping my head to the side as I regard her.

“Yes, sir.” Two words that do things to me, things I shouldn’t want. I was only supposed to make sure she’s safe, but there’s an underlying sadness and wariness that burns in her eyes. A spark of recognition that she understands who I am and what I do.

My promise was to find her and make sure she was away from her asshole brother, but one look at her, and I’ve changed the vow I made to a dying man. I want her and there’s no way she’s going to get away from me. A niggling deep in my gut tells me to steal her away. I can easily have her on a jet in an hour on the way to Europe where her asshole brother will never see her again. Sadly, I can’t do that because my business here is far from over.

“Are you working tomorrow night?”

She nods, placing the glass on the counter and giving me her undivided attention.Good girl.I want to murmur the words but don’t. Instead, I smile. Silent and predatory. An expert hunter always learns about his prey before he pounces. Before he attacks and viciously devours every morsel of sinful flesh. And when I get her on her back, she’ll be begging for more.I’m sorry, Lucio. You gave her to me. Now there’s no turning back.

“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow, Raina.”

Before she can respond, I’m sauntering out the door with my brothers a step behind.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Franco? She’s…allettante.So fucking tempting,” Gio murmurs as we head toward my town car. She is enticing.

“He asked me to watch her. That’s what I’m doing,” I respond, sliding into the bench seat of the black SUV. Once Gio and Matteo are seated, Lorenzo, our driver, pulls away and the farther away we get, the appeal to go back in there becomes stronger. Perhaps my little brother is right. This might not be a good idea. But I’m fucked because I can’t walk away.

“Watching differs from what I can see racing through your mind,” Mateo offers. He’s right. He knows me too well. She’s far too young and off-limits. But then again, when did I ever limit myself when I wanted something?

“Perhaps,” I tell him.
