Page 15 of Wicked Sins

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“What do you want?”

A heavy sigh sounds through the speaker as he deliberates if he should play the asshole or just tell me what the fuck he wants.

“A meeting. Bring the contract and I’ll look it over.” He’s been wanting in on our territory for years, since my father died. I’ve been pushing back because I don’t trust him. I don’t like him. In fact, I hate him, but he’s got connections we need. Keep your friends close, but your enemies, if you don’t kill them first, keep them even closer.

“And what makes you think I trust you enough to walk into your warehouse with your thugs guarding it?”

He chuckles then, a sound I remember from our younger years when we were close, when we were inseparable. He was like a brother to me. Then he fucked up. He took the life of a woman I loved. “If I wanted you dead, Moretti, you’d be six feet under by now.”

I can’t help laughing at that. “You’re welcome to try, Russo, but I don’t think you can handle killing me yourself.”

“Two days, Franco. My warehouse on the pier in San Pedro. Bring your brothers. I’d love to see them again.” Sarcasm is thick in his voice.

“Two days.” I hang up before he can say any more.

Pushing up from my luxurious office chair, I head out of my office and into my wing of the mansion. In the bedroom, I pull my gym clothes from the closet and change from the three-piece suit into sweats and a T-shirt. Once I have my trainers on, I head into my personal gym. The treadmill always seems to clear my mind. Setting it to an uphill run, I set about attempting to forget about Cristiano, the man who almost fucked me over today, and focus on the pretty blonde.

I want her here. In my home so I can keep an eye on her. It’s the least I can do since I was the cause of her losing her home. Only, she doesn’t need to know what I did. My part in her father’s demise will be kept a secret from the Lombardi princess.

Her father helped mine for many years, and I intend on repaying the favor by making sure she’s safe from those who would still be out to hurt her. Perhaps this time I’ll be the hero in her fairy tale. The knight in shining armor. Deep down, though, I know I’ll never live up to that fantasy. She’s too pure for me. I’ll taint her with the darkness that follows me everywhere I go.

The sweat that trickles down my spine is at boiling point, not from the heat of my home gym, but from the temperature of my blood as I think about her. Picturing her on her knees. Seeing her smile when I touch her gently, yet firmly. After all the violence I’ve witnessed in my life and with all the blood on my hands, I wonder how I can even fathom my hands on her porcelain skin. I want her too much. I’ll put her in danger by claiming she’s mine. There are too many enemies out there wanting revenge and I’m their target.

As much as I don’t want to admit it, I can’t stop the desire I felt when I laid my eyes on her. Nothing is going to stop me, as wrong as it is. I’ll have her.

She’ll have to learn who I really am. I wonder if that would scare her away, or would it make her come closer until she’s completely enveloped in the depravity of our family. The Nostra are dangerous men, with me as their leader. I wonder if she’d want to rule beside me.

Shaking my head, I try to clear the thought that’s hit me like a sack of bricks. I’m getting ahead of myself now. Who knows if she’ll want me near her.

Killing men who betray me makes me hard. I watch the life drain from their eyes and all I can think about is ramming inside a woman to see her eyes light with yearning. When I watch blood drip from a sleek blade, it makes me want to fuck a tight little cunt fast and deep. My lifestyle has opened my mind, given my body ways of reacting to what I do, and I find my release in sex. The stress of our jobs, of who we are, takes its toll and I’ve given in to the desire my body craves too many times to count.

My job comes with many obstacles. I run a business that doesn’t allow for distractions. Many may see it differently, but being part of Cosa Nostra is something I’ve been born into. My family, originally from Sicily, on the southern tip of Italy, moved here to work alongside our American counterparts to take down the underground gangs trying to infiltrate the organization.

My father built a name for himself here, and since he was killed, I’ve taken over and I will not see the Moretti name go down. Even though there’s nothing good about us, I can’t see our family being dragged through the gutters.

When they told me to take over from my father, Franco Moretti Snr., I recalled the times I’d asked them to let me go. I wanted out when Dad died, but as the next in line, if I wanted to be released from my servitude, I’d have to be dead. Taking over what he started wasn’t something I saw myself doing. Money laundering, loan sharking, drug trafficking.

Once I’ve secured the two new suppliers here, I’ll make my way home, back to Italy. If I can lay low in Reggio Calabria for a few months after I’ve killed Cristiano, I’ll be able to stay away from the shit storm it’s going to bring about.

My first concern is my brothers. Gio and Matteo don’t deserve this life. They should be out enjoying their youth, not carrying the latest Glock and slicing men to pieces because they didn’t pay the protection fees. They shouldn’t be worried about the new drug shipment coming in from Colombia.

“Franco.” My brother’s voice drags me from my morbid thoughts and I meet his dark glare. “I’ve spoken to the supplier, and they’ve confirmed the truck is arriving in the next day. Apparently, it’s the coke those Brazilian fuckers promised. It’s only two weeks late,” he snorts in annoyance.

“Gio, I don’t want you down there. I told you to send two men. I can’t deal with you sitting in the warehouse with those two-faced pieces of shit. If they—”

“Relax, brother. I’m not going. I’ve decided to join you at The Gin Bar tonight. This girl has your head in a blender, and I’m intrigued to see how you handle her. Perhaps she has a friend.” He chuckles. Pulling his cigarettes from his pocket, he regards me with a smirk when I glare at the damn cancer sticks he’s holding. “Calmati, I’m going. Later, brother.”

As soon as he leaves, I’m left sweating from the treadmill with my mind flitting back to Raina and what will happen tonight. I’d like to ruin her, only to polish her up again to ruin her repeatedly for my pleasure and hers. She’ll find more pleasure with me than any other man she’s ever been with.

With those blue eyes that remind me of a polished Moonstone, I want to see them tear up and glisten as she watches all the filthy things I am going to do to her.

La mia luna.

Shaking my head, I grab my hand towel and make my way back up to my bedroom. Our home is too big for three people, but with those two bringing home different women every night, I think it’s safer that they’re on the other end of the house.

My wing, on the west side of the mansion, encompasses my suite, bedroom and bathroom—as well as a living room and my personal movie theater. I enjoy my privacy and my brothers know that.

Stepping into my en suite, I turn on the shower and shove off my shorts and tug my T-shirt over my head, which is now laden with sweat. I pushed myself further today, hoping to clear my mind, but instead, I’ve formulated a plan. After tonight, she’ll be mine.
