Page 24 of Wicked Sins

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“Don’t lecture me, Matteo. I know how to manage my personal life. Love isn’t in my future. I’m going to enjoy her while I’m here. Once I get on that plane back to Europe, she’ll walk away a millionaire and I’ll enjoy my life on the beaches of Sicily. Now schedule that meeting. Let’s get this show on the road.”

With that, I turn and head out of his office with my little brother’s warning on my mind. I’ve only ever felt or been in love once. She was special. Everything I ever wanted. My partner, my slave, and my fiancée. That is until my enemies found out and mutilated her so badly, I didn’t recognize her body. They’d raped her, sliced her open, and left her to bleed on his white rug. I walked into the bedroom and rage fueled me. Hate wasn’t something I’d allow myself to feel, but Cristiano Russo makes it an exception.

Now. Revenge will be mine.

So Matteo has nothing to concern himself about. My heart is firmly locked away. My cock, however, is hard and in need of a tight hole to fuck. Hence the little blonde who’s going to spend six months in my office and dungeon.



Slipping off my shoes, I flop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. The rest of the day went by without any more conversation between Franco and me. Mainly because he didn’t return to his office. A message on my phone instructed me to finish up my first day early and the car would bring me home to sort out my things. Tomorrow when I go in to work, I’ll be there for six months.

Needless to say, I was angry, disappointed. I wanted to see him again. To talk, flirt, perhaps to feel his mouth on mine. As much as I hate the way he spoke to me, something stirred inside me, which awakened a need for the violent delights he could offer.

When Gio walked back into the office, he didn’t talk much, just explaining that Franco was indisposed for the rest of the afternoon. I wondered if that meant he was with another woman but shook my head to clear my mind of the frustration that brought.

He then handed me my contract and told me to read through it. Most of it is standard terms. I’m allowed to continue my studies, which was a concern I voiced to Franco the night he offered me the initial document. The rest is about my duties in the office, my hours, which surprisingly are flexible, and work with my college schedule. But it’s the last ten pages that have my mind in a spin.

I’m going to be living with a man who wants me to be his slave. A sex slave. Someone who will be there for him to fuck, whip, and train. As much as that should scare me, it doesn’t. My body hums with need.

Before I can replay everything that happened, my bedroom door flies open and there in all her glory is my cousin. “I want all the sexy details. Did you see Gio? What was it like?” Pushing up, I glance at her pretty brown eyes.

“It was… Strange. Yes, Giovanni was there, not for very long. I set up meetings, sent a few emails. It was like a normal office job, I guess.” Shrugging, I wonder what lies ahead over the next six months.

“And Franco? What did he say to you?”

“Basically…” Sighing, I rise and pad over to my dresser. Grabbing a hair tie, I pull my waves into a messy bun and turn to her. “He wants me to be his assistant, but he also wants to fuck me. And he also wants me to move in. To live in the mansion for the duration of the contract. Six months.”

“You’re moving in with him?” she squeaks and I shake my head swiftly.

“Notwithhim, more like, in an apartment, or suite in the house.”

She stares at me for a long while, and I know she wants to ask more than she has. It’s written all over her face. I don’t blame her. If we had swapped roles, I’d be forbidding her to go.

We’ve always been open about our lives and this is no different. I can’t lie to her and tell her this is completely professional when it’s far from it. The only thing I won’t tell her is his strange kinkiness about taking my panties and possibly jerking off with them.

I also can’t tell her about the emails I saw of what he did to the last man who stole from him. I stumbled upon the email to his brother by accident and needless to say, I’ll have nightmares just from the description alone. I always knew the Cosa Nostra were violent, and looking at Franco, he oozes it, but to actually read about something he did with his own two hands, it changes my perspective.

“Are you scared of him?” As if she’s reading my mind, her question drags me back to the present and I regard her earnestly.

“No.” The answer is honest. I don’t fear him. There’s no inkling in his demeanor that tells me he’ll hurt me, but others… That’s another story.

I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, or gotten myself into, but I know there’s no turning back. I have to face the next six months of the contract head-on. I can’t run. I can’t hide. Not that I want to, but something tells me this man won’t let me go easily.

The only problem is… Will my heart be able to let go when the time comes or will I fall? And if I do, I know it will be hard.

“Have you heard from Andrea? I emailed him my resignation, but he’s been oddly quiet about it.” The fear of what my brother will do when he gets his hands on me is enough for me to go willingly to Franco and hope he can protect me.

“He wasn’t at work today. I know he was meant to be down in Miami for a few days. He said he was meeting a supplier, but…” her words taper off and I know there’s something else going on with my brother. Something I’d rather not know about.

“I’m just… I mean, I’ve just left and you know what Andrea is like.” My tone is somber, and she nods. We all know what that asshole is capable of.

“Look, Franco will protect you, surely?”

I don’t doubt it, so I nod in agreement.

“Then stop being such a sullen bitch and worrying about your brother. If he couldn’t be bothered to call or respond to you, maybe he doesn’t care. Come on, let’s have a drink to celebrate your newfound freedom, and then I need to get ready for work. And my date with Giovanni.” She giggles like an excited teenager.
