Page 49 of Wicked Sins

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Pushing to my feet, I sigh as I step out onto the white sand. She’s not going to be happy about this, but work calls.

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Franco’s cousin, Mason Gianetti, has his own book. If you’d like another fix of mafia, one click BOUND.

Meet the Mafia Prince, Mason…

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Keep reading for an excerpt of Bound…

Sneak Peek - Bound


It’s been years since I first did it.

When the need to have someone fear me took hold and I became a man who didn’t care who the fuck he hurt. But now it’s different. I have a woman I love. Only, she wants more than I think I can give her.

This club is my castle, and sweet Savvie is my queen. My past never allowed me freedom, and to this day, I’m still bound to the life I grew up in. Still linked to the addiction that runs rife through my veins. The problem is, Savannah doesn’t know about my dark past.

Seven Sins has become my salvation in so many ways, but as much as I try to hide the person I was, it fights back with a vengeance. I may not have wanted it, but I can no longer hide. I’m bound by a code. It has a hold over me and always will.

Stalking into my office, I shut the door and lock it. Savvie will walk in, and I can’t have her seeing me like this. She’s been an angel to put up with my shit. My lies have caught up to me, and I can’t do anything to stop them seeping into her life.

I don’t know what to do.

For the first time in my life, I’m at a loss.

When I first met her, I was enamored with the blonde beauty who was so different from the girls I grew up knowing. She gripped me more than any submissive I’d ever come across. Her desires filtered into my life, and I found myself aching when I wasn’t near her. I was hungry for her each second of the day.

I knew I had to claim her.

Before her, I was a man with no emotions.




I’d worked hard to prove to my father that I’m the son he always wanted, but I let him down when I watched him die in front of me. I was meant to step into his shoes, but I couldn’t. I allowed my cousin the responsibility instead. It’s wrong, I should never had done it, but that life was something I wanted to put behind me, the same way Carrick did with his. Only mine wasn’t as easy.

With the news I received this morning, I know I can’t hide who I am from Savvie anymore. And what scares me the most is, when she learns what I’ve been hiding, she’ll finally walk away.

I know she’s been waiting for a ring. And I want to give it to her, but I believe she deserves better than me. Four years, and I’ve hidden myself from her. Her past is dotted with the violence that stole everything from her. And I now know that I can’t bring her into my own dark world.

Sighing, I open the drawer and pull out what I need.

There’s never been so much as an inkling from her side that she knows. It has taken me years to perfect my double life. When Cristiano needed me, I was there. Not because I felt guilty for having him run an organization I should’ve been, but because I have the bloodlust.

I’m bound by my need.

As I bind my beautiful woman each night, I feel her agony and desire. It’s a driving force behind me.

I love her.

I want her.

But I can never fully allow myself to give in to it. Knowing that I’ll never be good enough for her has kept me at a distance.

I know I need to let Savannah go. But I’m a selfish bastard. Arrogant, filled with pride. But I know at some point the truth will spill free and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. It’s nothing new to me. The moment she stepped into the club, I realized the future for us was bleak. I couldn’t help myself though. I ached to take her, and I did. Now, as my life comes to a head, there’s so much she’ll learn about me, about who I really am.

She’ll leave.

And I know, when that day comes, I’ll be lost.

I won’t survive.
