Page 52 of Always You

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I walk into the living room, falling against the plush couch, trying to catch my thoughts and breath. Denton follows soon enough, sitting so close to me, I have to stand. He just reaches for me, dragging me onto his lap.

“What is this, Denton? Now that your wife is dead, you want your whore back?”

His eyes burn, his jaw tightening.

“Because that is what it looks like, Denton. I am sick of this. I am sick of being second to her every fucking time.” I stand. “I want you to leave, and I don’t want you to ever come back here. You got what you came for, so just go.”

He doesn’t say anything.

I leave the room, walking into my studio, and he doesn’t follow. I hear the door half an hour later, but I’m lost in a song, a song he brought to life once more.

“I’m human,

I feel it all,

But you don’t see that this love is kryptonite.”

I curl up on my couch and sob until day turns into night. I sob until all I feel is a numbing ache of loneliness—the kind of loneliness you bring upon yourself, I remind myself.

Ally is launching her new album in Crave. I can’t help but remember the last time I was here.

“Here's our superstar,” Harrison says, wrapping his arms around me.

“She is the superstar, Harry,” I point to Ally.

“Bullshit. I wouldn't even be here if it weren’t for those lyrics,” Ally says, handing me a shot of something. We tap our shot glasses together and knock back our shots.

“You okay?” Ally asks when we’re away from Harrison.

“Not really,” I say honestly. “Mr. Complicated keeps complicating my life.”

“Then tell him to fuck off.” She snaps. “He can’t keep fucking with your feelings, Bre.”

She’s right.

“What you need is some action tonight.” I laugh at that.

We spot Tamika in the crowd, the girl who believed she could sing my songs just because of her “connection” with the Record producer. She gives me the stink eye and flips me off.

“Wow, talk about holding grudges,” Ally snorts.

“Here comes her man anyway. Her mood is likely to improve significantly,” Ally says sarcastically. “And my God, who is that with him?”

I glance in the direction that Ally is looking in, and fuck if the guy with Mario, Head producer of the Record company, isn’t hot as hell. He is so hot, I take my shot from Ally, downing it without even looking at it. This one burns.

“That, ladies, is Zack Spencer,” Harrison says. The man smiles at someone, and his dimple is on full display. It’s like the crowds part, and he’s making his way over to me. “Wipe that drool,” Harry sniggers.

When he’s standing in front of me, all I can do is stare. That shirt fits him too perfectly. That suit was literally made for him. I feel like all the sound in the room dissipates, and it is just him and me.

Someone nudges me in the side. “Say hi, superstar,” Harry laughs.

“Oh, my God, hi, sorry. The music, just so loud,” I look between Mario andGod.

“Oh, it’s alright, itispretty loud in here,” he says in the sexist British accent.

“Say that again,” I practically moan.

“Sorry,” he grins.
