Page 29 of Death is Easy

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I don’t take the lie back, though.

“If you say so,” he replies.

“I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but may I ask your name?”

“It’s not rude,” he says, shrugging as the lift arrives. As one, we step inside, and as the door shuts, he turns to me properly, and I watch in time to see his eyes glow amber.For fuck’s sake.

I knew from the moment Atticus outed himself to me that I’d meet more shifters here. I just didn’t expect it to happen on my very first day.

He takes a deep inhale, stepping into my space. I try to keep breathing normally, but I don’t think I manage.

“Although, I’d like you to explain why you didn’t greet me properly,” the man says, a hint of a growl to his usual silvery tone.

“I… um… I have no idea what you’re on about,” I whisper, taking a step backwards. Denial is the only thing that will keep me safe.

I left this life behind for a reason, and no matter how attractive this man is, he’s not a good enough reason to break my vow. Atticus should have been the reason, he was everything I could’ve ever wanted, but I’m too much of a scaredy-cat to accept him.

I’m not strong enough to do it, there’s no shame in that.

Isn’t there? I’m a coward, pure and simple.

“Sure you don’t,” he drawls, annoyance flickering in his light blue eyes. “I can feel your wolf, no matter how weak she is, and no matter how much you deny it. So, the real question is why can’t you feel my tiger?”

“Are these euphemisms for your dick or something?” I ask, cringing at how weak that comeback was.Really, Nora?I need to become a better liar if I’m going to survive here.

His hand darts out to grip my arm, and despite it being a quick movement, his grip is tender and doesn’t hurt. “Who hired you?”

“I was transferred here.”

“Who organised the transfer?”

“There was a visiting manager, and he offered me the promotion,” I say. I’m not going to use Atticus to help me this time. I need to do it on my own. If I want a life without him, I need to actually commit to that. “I didn’t want to take the job, but I was told I either had to transfer or I would be fired since our branch was downsizing. What’s it to you?”

“Where was this visiting manager from?” he asks, and the growl has disappeared from his words. “What was his name?”

Thankfully, the lift reaches the basement, and the doors open. I’ve never been more grateful for an escape in my entire life, and I move to step out, but he’s still gripping my arm.

I look down at it pointedly, and he smirks.

“This conversation isn’t over, little wolf,” he murmurs, caressing my arm before letting it go. A cheeky grin is on his face, and his light blue eyes seem to sparkle in the new light. “Ask to speak to Micah when you reach the desk. He’s my younger brother, and he’ll sort you out. He’s good people, I promise.”

I cock my hip and cross my arms as I cooly regard him. “And if I don’t want his help?” I am not trading Atticus out for another controlling cat, not even a little bit.

“Oh, baby, believe me, you’re going to want his help,” he says, grinning.

“You never told me your name…” I trail off as a door slams down the corridor, and we both turn to see a man walking towards us.

This man is quite familiar, but only because he looks just like the man I’m with. He’s got shorter hair, and there’s much less confidence in his walk. Unlike his brother, he’s dressed so much more casually.

I’m not sure what the quote on his hoodie pertains to, but it’s nice, and he’s wearing some navy jogger bottoms to match with it. He’s wearing a pair of trainers, and legit looks so out of place.

I low-key vibe with it, though, because if you’re not going to be around clients, why not be comfortable? I don’t wear these tight dresses and high heels for my own comfort.

“Bro,” he greets, and even his voice is different. The accent is the same, but his voice is more fruity. If I had to pick a brother, I’d pick this one. “Oh, hey, good timing. I’m coming up.”

The man I’m with groans quietly and moves his hand above my head, to block the lift doors from opening.

“Get back to work, Micah,” the man says, and I’m not sure whether he’s mad or what. “Nora here needs a tech set up; she’s a new hire up on floor sixteen. Sort her out.”
